My life has changed forever


New Member
As of the 3rd of July I became a Father. My wife and i just had our first child. Her name is Haylee and she is a very strong and healthy little girl.
Congratulations man, enjoy it they grow up fast, mine will be 5 in October and those years flew by. :)
Congratulations! :cheer:
Congrats! :)

Win the lottery!
Congratulations! She is beautiful. Mine will be turning 8 this Nov. Time indeed does go by fast brother. I remember bringing her home from the hospital like it was yesterday.
Congratulations! I remember when my boys were little like that. It was great, they were so loving. Then they grew up. Being 10 and 15, they lost the cuteness. jkjk

Again, congrats, she is beautiful!
Congratulations, bro'... welcome to the <baby> manufacturers union...

Heed what they say -- the time *does* fly by... (mine will by 27 in December!).
Congrats!! She's beautiful!!! :cheer:
Congratulations meng!!! :thumbup:
Congrats man !!!

You guys remember before you had kids and everyone was like cherish the time because it will fly by ? How many of you believed it then ? Crazy how true it is

i just cant beleive she will be 1 month in a few weeks...crazy
