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  • Will you keep me posted? I want to reduce vibration and I was told the renthals will reduce it because of a thicker wall on the bars...+ the grips...But if the bars ADD to the vib. than its not worth the money for me really
    Hey buddy, you have the progrips that I was looking at as well, how do you like them? Do they minimize the vibration like they say they do?
    hey i was thinking about getting the same bike as yours. so stock the hp is 60-70ish ....do you know how much it is now that you have added a lot of stuff
    Hello there Diluted :) I was looking at your avatar and saw that I'm not the first to have the idea of putting lights in/near the air intakes along with flushies as front signals. Would you be able to tell me what type of lights those are (near the intake), where you got them and how you installed them?

    edit: I saw your posts in regards to them. I'll read up more, thank you.

    Take care,

    NoDoze Joe
    I see that you have a yellow FZ6R. Can you tell me if you're star decal peals off? I have a black FZ6R and was thinking about going to a decal shop to see if they can make that same pattern in orange.

    Thanks! I was kind of hoping to forget it but all these messages between this and Facebook won't let me. LOL.
    I was wondering if you had any info on the TBR exhaust and JB group buy? I just now saw the thread and was wondering if New Enough was still offering a discount. Let me know when you get a chance.

    Hey Bud, My owners Manual is down at my appartment, and Im registering for insurance through Geico, can you tell me wher I might find the VIN number for my bike, on the bike?

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