What did you do to your bike today?

Purchased: oil, filter, and spark plugs so hopefully going to be getting that all done and the forks done when I have time here soon.

edit: Oh and went and refinanced the loan so saving on interest and was able to shorten the term and keep the payments the same! heck yeah!
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Power was out this morning and the garage door wouldn't stay up far enough for my car to get out. So I hopped on the bike. I normally would have road but with the rain and mid 30s out, I was worried about ice on the roads. No ice and got to work safe and sound. :)
Purchased: Oil, Filter, Brake fluid, Coolant fluid, and new smx-5 boots.

To be ordered SOON: New tires, Front and rear SS brake lines, Brake pads, Exhaust & PC5, One Piece leather suit.

Damn I'm excited! :wav: :catfight::wav:
I'm closing in on 2000. Since the end of last august but I've never been one to go for long drives... But my first official riding season is here and I'm looking forward to lots of good times on this bike. Thinking about going the hour and a half out of my way to take her to a track day! Those look like a lot of fun and I here it's the best way to truly learn your bike.

I would love to do some track days. I got my bike last fall so this will be my first summer with her too. looking forward to it! We got a trailer for 3 bikes (me, brother, and dad) if we ever do track days together because we figured we'll be too exhausted after a track day to make the trek home again
Not much but put colored anodized gold bolts on my gas take cover.

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