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What did you do to your bike today?


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Elite Member
Jul 25, 2009
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I ate breakfast while looking at it through the man door to the garage :D
Rode to my friend's garage to try to put on his PCV but I need a special tool to get off the steering damper. It's a security torx or something like that. Rode back home. Also took a video of me riding there just in case something happened.

Also on the last 2 tanks I've only been getting about 100 miles then my fuel light goes on. Haven't been beating on it either. Tried to search for my tire pressure gauge but I'm afraid I lost my digital tire pressure gauge....
I rode today. In fact I rode to work all week, the weather has been glorious in Atlanta this week. I basically commute with the bike when I can and ride for pleasure occasionally. Coummuting is iffy in Atlanta in December, January and sometimes just too hot in August. Other than that...great. Always see a few commuters, but as usual the bikes really come out on the weekend. My kids and wife keep me pretty busy on the weekends, but I get to the mountains on occasion.

I looked at pictures of it while looking over the Accessories i have got in the mail the last week or so. My bike is in a heated warehouse for the winter as i don't have a good place to keep it. I rode a friends duel sport at school today and another buddy from class rode his R1 to class and i talked him into letting me ride it around. it was so nice to start riding again
I sanded my NSR50R to paint a 3rd coat and cracked the fairing. Had to use ABS glue to repair the crack that was already repaired....drat.....
Looked at my FZ6R covered in plastic to keep the dust off her.
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I am on cepavw.org most times. I some times go on vortex in mkII, mkIV. I hope to ride after work today. I did drive the 97 cabrio to work today. Top down on the way home. I can't ride to work because I have to pick my mom up on my way home.
Finally got around an installed the PCV and Autotune. Still need to figure out how to water proof the connection of the Autotune cable to the O2 sensor. Will start fiddling with the setup soon.
