What did you do to your bike today?

Sweet! My tank bag just got delivered!

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk
How big is that "GPS" pocket on it? I'm wondering if a Galaxy S3 would fit in there...
At this point I'd suggest working on the throttle stuff more than body positioning. Basic position is fine, maybe shift to the inside a few inches and keep the arms nice and loose and bent, head turned into the turn, etc... but don't worry about getting off the bike too much and hanging off. Get the lines and throttle application down a bit better first. Then as you get that better and feel the speed begin to get a little easier, then go ahead and start working on the BP more.

You know I'm a firm believer in video and photo as a powerful learning tool. Use the GoPro, see if a friend can go with you and take pics, use vies from the GoPro that will show your throttle hand, your BP, etc...

Or do what I do, Take it to an abandoned parking lot! I go to the old walmart parking lot near where I live all the time. free practice and the security guard doesn't mind (usually.) They usually see that I am practicing and getting a better feel for my bike so they let me carry on with my practice rounds. : )

But Jon hit the nail on the head with that one. I've been practicing body position and throttle. I find shifting to the side I'm turning makes me feel more "into" the turn and it feels smoother for me.
I would love to do some track days. I got my bike last fall so this will be my first summer with her too. looking forward to it! We got a trailer for 3 bikes (me, brother, and dad) if we ever do track days together because we figured we'll be too exhausted after a track day to make the trek home again

Yeah I have a few family friends who ride and go to track days about every 3 months so I think I'll ask them if I can tag along for one or two. And chip in for whatever needs to be chipped in for.
I ordered some new amber LED light strips for my wind scoops. The other ones I ordered were bad... here's hoping I can get something right with these new ones when they get here! Also prepped her for my birthday tomorrow. Going on a nice ride on the outskirts of town. Maybe hit up the lakes in the mountains. Nice forest like conditions with lots of nice twisties.
I too also orders a few amber LED,s

As we'll as a few red ones

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

Gotta love that red! lol
