RIP My Friend: Robert Becker


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Very sorry to hear that :(
awww man... am so sorry to hear about this jon... =( rob sounds like a really cool guy, and i'm really sad to hear about this... it was nice u guys were there to support the family, and i hope the memorial ride is a big success...

just out of curiousity tho, was it a blind turn? the news article didn't really say- other than that traffic was stopped due to construction...

either way, am very sorry for your loss... =(
Sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes God takes you when he take you. Let's all be safe aout there.
RIP, Sorry to hear about your friend. My condolences to you and his family.

I had a friend that went down on his GSXR 750 last year. We had a biker-cade of at his service as well

It's always hard to hear of the loss of another rider.
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Jon, all our thoughts and prayers are with his family from NH. We are very sad to hear about his passing. Take care and ride safe.

Jon, I am truly sorry for your loss and to the community. It sounds like we lost a great guy. My prayers and thoughts go out to all the family and friends.

Please let us know if there is a support fund or anything we can do to help.

Ride safe and always within the limits of your guardian angel.
Sorry for your loss....We all hate to hear or experience things like this, but this is just a reminder of the dangers we all can face.

I certainly did not know this gentleman, but I bet we all share the same beliefs. We would rather die doing something we loved, then to die of a lesser means..
My sincerest heartfelt condolences to Rob's family and friends. News like this is never easy to hear.

Jon, you are right, Rob would want you to keep riding. As I am realizing more and more with riding during busy times, we need more eyes than those we have to see everything around us. Be safe everyone. God bless you all.
This is a tragedy. My wife and I extend our condolences to Robert’s family, you, and your riding group. Truly sorry to hear of this loss.
That's so very very sad.
Robert David Becker.

I rode in a memorial ride for a woman 4 weeks ago, mostly cruisers. There were several hundred bikes that showed up. It was a little bone-chilling, seeing how much support there was from the biker community. The situation itself isn't quite the same as your friend Rob's; the driver that hit the woman is being tried for 6 counts of reckless homicide as it was ENTIRELY her fault that she hit the biker -- here's more about that situation for anyone interested. Black Nail Brigade | Foundation Against Negligent + Reckless Driving l In Loving Memory of Anita Zaffke, Killed May 2, 2009 in the "Nail Polish Crash"
Sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family. I know It must be hard. Please ride safe. Mark
