Please help right turn signal nonfunctional.


New Member
To start thank y’all for all the advice I’ve read in the past fixing my Fizzer.

2 days ago being the 31st of May me and my passenger were making a right turn after making a U-turn and switched between left to right, she pointed out that my dash light wasn’t activated for right only then then dash quickly dims out when switching on right flashing light. We continued our day and when I came home I switched my fairing lights to the opposite side and the right side light was working but tail light was not at all. COMPLETELY NO FLASHING SIGNAL. Day time lights are working and brake lights functioning. Fuse has been replaced. I have continuity and new fuse reads proper.

I do appreciate any help would be greatly appreciated. If all else fails with the experts I’ll purchase a new tail light. Lil old anyways.


Active Member
When you wrote NO FLASHING Signal, was that both sides? If so, there may be another fuse for the 'flashing circuit' only. If not, i would next check the flasher unit to make sure it has power, and is indeed putting out voltage (flashing). If you are getting flashing at the output of the flasher unit, check wiring to the turn signals, something may have pulled loose.... Good luck!
