Not so happy fz6r owner....


New Member
Okay so as you all know I just had a SLEW of accessories put on my fz6r. Sprockets, handlebars, levers, new chain, fender elim, flush mount singals...

Well I got my bike a day before I went to the motoGP, rode home fine. I Came back home and hopped on the bike...the effing thing wont go over 87mph without it jerking back and fourth like crazy. As for the sprocket change I did a 17/44 setup to drop the rpm on highway. Before the mods being done if I was in 6th gear I could run it from 55 all the way up to 130 if I wanted to. Now once IO hit 80mph it starts to jerk back and fourth(not a wobble, almost like its cutting out) Still shows I have plenty of RPM left.

I took it to the shop that did the mods yesterday and he swears up and down its the sprocket change. Dropped it to far out of the rpm zone to power up into the higher speeds. So in other words putting it off on me like I made a bad choice in a sprocket change. Well marthy runs the same setup and has no problem. I told him to swap the sprocket in front back to stock to disprove the fact he thinks its the sprockets. Well we did that and now the bike starts doing it at 72mph...the shop guy says he couldn't replicate it. I did proved to him its not the sprockets, and now beeline is going to look deeper into it. I called simply sport bikes, which is another motorcycle shop but down in the twin cities. Right away he said he thinks they did something with the electrical side of things when installing the flush mounts and shorting out the speed sensor or something else electronically. I told Beeline Yamaha (rob) that and he said no way they just use the factory signal wires to do it.

Well He just finally called me today and says he got it to finally act up, but has no idea what it is and they need to keep my bike longer to figure it out. Asked if I have factory warranty and I said no, when I bought it I bought it used and no one offered warranty to me any time I asked bringing it to the shop. What I get the feeling he was doing was knowing they messed something up and was going to hopefully get it covered by warranty, because he said he would call the regional rep to try and get the bill covered what ever it may be. Which is much better then him telling me it was all my fault yesterday with my mod choices. Idk but I am very frustrated and kind of upset that a factory Yamaha shop would do an install wrong and mess my bike up, then try to tell me I did something to the bike, and tell me I'm wrong on my thoughts on whats going on with the bike despite consultation from other reputable shops.

What are your guys thoughts on what could be wrong? My rpms are only at like 7k when it starts shaking back and fourth like its cutting out, it almost feels like an electrical misfire like when a Plug is arcing out on a car. He says plugs are all good though.

This is also the shop that says my coolant is still good and not to waste my money changing it at 12k, and says I dont need to sync my throttle bodies till 15-20k....Im begining to second guess their knowledge even though when I am there he sells me pretty well on why or why not on certain things.

But back to the original topic at hand....any Idea what could be shorting out or what could be happening to my bike? Its pretty saddening not having my bike in such beautiful weather and I just got my new leather jacket and all these new mods done.
Dang Brother, I really have no idea. Best guess would be electrical.
No way it would be the sprockets... :rant:
Keep us updated, hope someone finds out the issue.
You let some mechanic put his hands all over your girl?

Not sure what would cause the surging but if you do everything yourself, you acquire tools, knowledge, and know exactly what gets done to the bike.

And when you say jerking back and forth, if a bike jerks backward at 80, you will be over the handlebars. You mean the power cuts out repeatedly? Sounds like gas or ecu
my exaust and juicebox arent installed yet. they are in the mail still.
You let some mechanic put his hands all over your girl?

Not sure what would cause the surging but if you do everything yourself, you acquire tools, knowledge, and know exactly what gets done to the bike.

And when you say jerking back and forth, if a bike jerks backward at 80, you will be over the handlebars. You mean the power cuts out repeatedly? Sounds like gas or ecu

its not gas related according to him. Its like the spark plugs are arking like in a car
Yeah marthy Thats the first thing I checked...I was worried one got pulled over me.
No problem. You need this shirt.

No problem. You need this shirt.


Because they are disposable vehicles? Lol jk Mach I like ford

Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk
hay cautious_corner

best thing I can suggest is to think back to the last time it was running right.

Next, write down everything that you did from that time forward.
Do a sequence, did this first, than did this, etc.
give it a shot, the answer might jump out at you.

Also, I am running the +1 -2 sprocket setup and it works great.
So good that I might even try -4 when I have a little money again.

So, let's see the list.
Definitly sounds like an electrical problem; not mechanical. The fact that he was trying to blame sprockets, which he installed, tells me he's either an idiot, or thinks you are. If he thought those sprockets would cause an issue, he should have advised you up front of that fact. Since it doesn't sound like he did, then either he knew they'd work fine, or he's in the habit of intalling parts that might not be safe as S.O.P.

I'd find a new shop if possible.

I agree with the idiot part. There's definitely good shops out there. This doesn't sound like one. One more reason why I have always done all my own work.

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