Not so happy fz6r owner....

Does it feel like the motor is dying for a split second then coming back to life when its bucKing? If so my previous bike did that... It was a malfunctioning kickstand saftey switch.
Pretty sure it is the air filter CC, I had the same thing happen on a car of mine. Granted the car was carbeureted, but still...If i mashed the throttle in any gear, it would lose power, sputter, and jerk violently...unless i let off the throttle a bit and it would calm down but still not increase RPM. Plenty of torque and power down low, but nothing up high. If I was in top gear, and babied it up to the rpm it stalled at before, it would run fine, but if I mashed the throttle up there it would sputter and cut out. I could baby it up to a higher rpm, but then it would stall out again.

At first I thought it was dice. Then thought it was running out of fuel...not the case, since there was a ton of black smoke and raw fuel coming out of the exhaust. Then I thought it was valve float??? but no, we installed new valves, lifters, and springs and it still did it.

Finally found out that by taking the air cleaner off it was all better!!!! It ran like a demon all the way up to redline and beyond! put the air cleaner back on and it had the fuel issue again.

Bought a new K&N high flow with a lot more surface area and it was all better, and runs great ever since.

Might wanna look into the air filter, and see if they lubed it with engine oil or something :eek: or if they forgot to pull of the plastic wrap??

Good luck!
Sent from my fabulous carrier pigeon dominating messenger falcon.

Dude, that is awesome! I've been debating doing the same thing, but you come up with much better ideas than I do.

Sent from my morse code dominating qwerty.

(See, just not as cool as yours!)
CC just putting in my .02 on Simply Sportbikes. My brother in law got a bike from there and has had numerous problems with their service side. So my personal opinion is stay away from that place.
Thanks I'll take that into account and avoid them too. Uhg where can I find a good shop :( he also says it's not the air filter he said restriction in it would cause it to lean out and backfire on downshift

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Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks I'll take that into account and avoid them too. Uhg where can I find a good shop :( he also says it's not the air filter he said restriction in it would cause it to lean out and backfire on downshift

I am here: Google Maps
Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk

Air restriction would cause it to run rich wouldnt it??? Less air, more fuel? :confused: Opening up the air system by adding a more free flowing filter/exhaust and not adding more fuel (controller) will cause it to lean.

Pop your filter out, make sure its dry. Check all vacuum hoses around there as well. Make sure everything is where it should be. Sounds like they messed something up.
Thanks I'll take that into account and avoid them too. Uhg where can I find a good shop :( he also says it's not the air filter he said restriction in it would cause it to lean out and backfire on downshift

I am here: Google Maps
Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk

WRONG!!! Restriction on the air filter would cause more fuel to come into the intake. The Fuel management system would try to lean out the mixture, yes, but is that what he is talking about? The mixture would still be super RICH until the system compensates enough...which it never would cuz not enough air would come in. Am I incorrect? :confused:
You should not trust that mechanic/tech, since he is obviously an idiot
Funny thing guys:

he just got off the phone with a rep from yamaha direct. They said why are you wasting all your time on other things....its the filter, either to much oil or a defective filter. Soooo Stock one is going back in.
so the question of the day is - was the K&N filter removed, put stock one back in and see if same thing or fixed this issue? when you listed mods done couple pages back, it's the only thing narrowed down to now.

this "mechanic" doesn't sound knowledgeable if he dismisses things w/o actually trying it to see, he's basically guessing. doesn't matter if he's installed 100's of "performance" filters and all those bikes ran great. this is a different bike and he might've botched the install someway, left a damn rag in the airbox. heck first thing this forum asked was what/if anything was done, and to put things back as is when last known ran ok

hope he didn't throw out the OEM filter :confused: - didn't see your reply when I was writing... good luck going back to stock :)
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well he gave me the stock one back when he put the K&N in. I still have it. Basically he said he discounted the fact opf the filter from past expirience and went in order of->

#1 sprocket set up
#2 electrical sensor malfunction
#3 air filter

Soooo the most expensive one was #2...when I called this morning no tests on the electrical sensors were performed when I told him check the filter first. He chose sensors first so now after that came up empty he called yamaha....they told him filter. He says he has to test the exaust tomorrow with the filters swapped to stock. I wish he would have done that first, he said not to worry about the bill itll be very minimal but WHYTF is it my bill in the first place when they did the installs, without test drving the bike and giving it back to me. nowq its my issue? Last thing...when I asked him if he has ever had this happen before with the GYTR or K&N he said no, this was like hitting the bad luck lottery. Idk if I go after K&N for a defective filter or what the issue is. There is no MAF sensor the oil could affect so idk...Im at a loss and very disappointed in the service ive had and the knowledge backround. I mean come on...I told him filter this morning and he didnt listen until yamaha told him to check it? Now it may not be the filter but thats the last thing....the easiest thing....Im pretty fumed right now. If I get a bill Im confident ill be taking my keys and leaving with them without paying haha...not really im a good boy but I know the owner of the store really well, I sold him his new truck last year when I was selling cars, so thats why I go there, they have always treated me well. But we will see now.....I dont trust them to touch the exhaust install now.
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You have a little gnome living in your bike... when you reach those kinds of speeds he gets scared and starts pinching the fuel line.
You have a little gnome living in your bike... when you reach those kinds of speeds he gets scared and starts pinching the fuel line.

This is clearly the most plausible answer. Gnomes.

It would however be almost amusing if it does turn out to be just the filter.

lol....bru I have my foil hat on tonight


^^^not actually me
