Lesson #1, pick the right bike


New Member
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmHK0XFCPVI&feature=related]Why choosing the right bike is important[/ame]
A new bike is always pretty.. until you crash it.
Poor R6... It deserved better than that... :(
he was like hey lookit that straight corner....

chuck norris could have done it.

either way, epic fail. I like how the crash was all slow mo, and he like....launches it off some sweet jump too
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I love how the camera man doesnt even have a real reaction to his buddy flipping off of the bike lol
My favorite part was how he was teaching himself to ride on a relatively busy street. Mebbe he thought he was Frogger on TeH Motorbikez? Poor R6...
Because no one else has and also b/c I can.

If only I spoke Russian, there is obviously a huge demand for my RiderCoach skills.
