Ever had that "off" day?


New Member
Got on the bike this afternoon, and took a brief 40 min ride.

Nothing felt right @ all.
I just couldn't snap out of this half asleep state. Bike seemed small underneath me? Lacked top end grunt? Wasn't able to focus my vision off to the distance?

Probably I'm just buggin out and it's all in my head, but something today was way off. Perhaps tires were low? Bad sleep? Not enough caffeine? I wore my kevlar skate sneakers today instead of my A*'s boots for a change. I had a small breakfast but it had protein... Kinda disgusted at todays experience. I went into 3 corners and cutoff throttle, had to rev to 10.5k to pass some wacko benz cager, sloppy shifting... Blah blah blah:zombie:.
It just didn't put the grin on my face that it usually does to hit up my favorite local route. And actually... I felt like a 6th sense telling me "your not paying enough attention".

I wasn't hungover...

Any of you guys have that off kinda day? What do you do to get back in the swing of things? I'm hoping this will go away the next time I hop on. I feel like those riders who say they've had a incident and cant quite jump on their bike so quickly again. But... No incident.
Yup. Thats what put me into the side of a mountain and into the hospital. Trust your instincts and don't ride. Mime was due to lack of sleep and i knew i shouldnt ride but did anyways.
Sorry to hear about your accident bud, I trust all is well now from that?

Yeah man -- bizarro. I've had those moments where your like "OK, I'm tired... I really should get off this thing". But today was like "what are you doing, you need to get off NOW". :wtfgun:

I never go out for such short rides, besides doing errands so 45 min for me is super quick. I usually stay out for 2-3 hours when I'm in that good mood.

Funny how so many things can upset your zen like state on your bike. I think I fully understand now why people don't like anyone touching their ride.
Yep, had that kind of day today also. Gorgeous day, too. Husband and I geared up for a ride to Lake Tahoe for a little lunch, fall color and sun. Knew I was in trouble on the way to the gas station. Felt off, going wide on turns, wobbly, couldn't judge speed going into turns, etc. Just took it slow-didn't want to waste the day or the ride. Had a nice lunch by the lake, strolled the beach for a few and had a much better ride down the mountain. Had I been going it alone, I would've gone back home. If it ain't right, it ain't right. :rolleyes:

But, they should all be "on" days when you really want to ride! :)
Yeah, They should all be "ON" days, but that's not the way it is. Sometimes after a real special ride I would go out the next day and try for another, but it just wouldn't happen. It was frustrating. Now I sometimes take the next day off, or if that is not possible, I slow down. If I can ride my own ride, ride at my own pace, it is a lot easier to have that special, in tune feeling.
Mindful meditation helps.
Yeah, I like to be super pumped and alert prior to a 'session', seems like the best times are furthest into my weekend when I have had the most rest. I have done rides first thing AM on first day off, but my attention span gasses out early and it can be a struggle to get home with full focus, not really as much fun.

The key for me is get lots of sleep, and don't blow out body with too much chores or sports the day before; I also like to start my rides later in the AM or even around lunch, my focus is higher in the afternoons. The keys to a good ride for me are: Focus (rested), Body (no old man tweaks, neck, back), Weather (warm and sunny), and Route (pick old ones for fast, or new ones for challenge and freshness). You can't always predict an epic ride, but you can plan ahead and get all the key elements lined up for the best probability of one.
Yeah, They should all be "ON" days, but that's not the way it is. Sometimes after a real special ride I would go out the next day and try for another, but it just wouldn't happen. It was frustrating. Now I sometimes take the next day off, or if that is not possible, I slow down. If I can ride my own ride, ride at my own pace, it is a lot easier to have that special, in tune feeling.
Mindful meditation helps.

you nailed it with the best advice: "Slow down"... "ride your own ride".
Listen to those voices, those feelings.
Thanks for the thoughts guys...

At least I can tell it's not only me.
I guess I'll straight up trust those instincts from now on.

In retrospect I'm happy I cut the ride short. ;)
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First thing I’ll say if you’re riding and you feel sleepy, dizzy or foggy get off the bike and collect yourself. Riding is fun but it's not a game we are playing for keeps out there. L tell my non bikers friends "bikes are relaxing but you can’t relax on a bike"

There seem to be a lot of new riders on this forum. Just reading this thread I’ve read things scare me a little. So ill just say this

Always do a preride check of your Bike (lights, brakes, Leaks and tires minimal)

If you are new to riding find a responsibility group of experienced people to ride with. Not only is riding in a group more fun it’s safer. Plus nothing about riding is intuitive so it your new your probly doing something wrong and experienced rider will notice and help you correct

Practice Panic stops: id suggest from 60 to 0, 80 to 0 and 100 to 0. When you need to avoid a car is not the time to learn how your bike reacts to hard braking.

Find a good riding book id suggest Sportbike riding techniques.

And my two favorite riding aids: look where you want to go because that is where you will go and never ever grab the throttle with your wrist above parallel with the ground because you can’t let go under hard acceleration.
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