Battlefield 3

Pretty stoked. Fell in love with it after having my rounds in BF2 for a minute.

The open beta is this Thursday across all platforms! I will be picking it up for the PC as 32 map console is kind of gimped for such a franchise.
Beta is awesome. played one match on PC of course. I have early access for preorder on Origin :)
I haven't received my code yet. Trying to answer the millions of threads on the forums asking why they haven't gotten a code.:(
edit: CC, this is the early access portion of the beta for those who have pre ordered from origin, or have the Medal of Honor limited edition.
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I dont think my pc can handle this game :(
Going between getting on pc or 360. My 8800gtx just crapped out on me, so I have a new psu and 560ti enroute. Have 8gb ram and a 2.4 quad core q6600. Haven't had a chance to really delve into specs but that should be good enough right? I stink at fps on the 360 but used to rock on pc, been a few years. Last pc fps was bf2, 2142, cod mw 2.

Sent from my Samsung Fascinate using Tapatalk.

my computer could handle games when BF2 And 2142 were good. lol :thumbup:
So I've spent about 4 hours in the beta.
Game runs VERY smooth for me, and it auto set my settings at high, which is very reassuring:D( I am running a single gtx 460, which kind of surprised me)
The guns are very powerful, the bipods on the lmg's are great, I really enjoy playing support. The flashlights kick ass, completely blind you if you are close and look into them. The lasers are pretty much there just as a scare tactic.

This is definitely a day one buy if you are on the fence about it
i just played the im jealous map.
PC the only way to play this... Check this out for comparison.

[ame=]Battlefield 3 comparation PC vs. Playstation3 Split Screen - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone else enjoying the Beta? Lot's of bugs, but that is what it is for. So need a video card upgrade though for full pretties at good FPS.
I got the beta yesterday. It has some game crippling bugs for sure, but Im confident EA and DICE will release a AAA title 10/25. I noticed a lot of little things that really bump up the realism, in particular the soldier movment when jumping over walls and crawling when you see your characters legs and arms. I was sniping a bit last night and and as soon As I zoomed in I saw the flash of a sniper scope in my crosshairs, Before I could pull the trigger I actually saw his bullet in my scope right before it hit me. Mind=blown:D

Installed the 560ti EVGA overclocked and new psu yesterday. Ran system requirements lab scan an now my computer shows it far exceeds the recommended specs. I am excited to try this game. Think I will bf3 on pc, and cod on 360.

Sent from my Samsung Fascinate using Tapatalk.

Let us know how it goes!

After they restarted the servers, I've been getting some minor clunkiness moving my weapon. The rest of the game runs smooth, I can run, climb, etc flawlessly, but aiming down my sights, and aiming from the hip feels like my mouse is clunky. I've tried 3 different mice.
