Why don't police wear gear?


Sentient Being
Elite Member
Its the same here in Houston TX.
because on top of the vest and everything else we carry if we have to fight someone we do need to be able to move some. and as far as wearing long sleves the uniform shirt would offer very little protection. Also with all the protective gear it would be harder to use our batman belts
Generally, the training that motorcycle cops recieve is heads and shoulders beyond what any civilian rider can even imagine, let alone have the time to actually complete.

Part of the reason they don't wear gear is because they are riding several hours a day. At some point you just have to concede that function will override all other factors.

I think there is a good argument that time spent learning how to avoid accidents is as valuable, if not more valuable, then wearing gear. I think statistics might bear this out.

It would be nice if they did both, considering who pays for their training and their medical care.

It would be neat if someone invented a Kevlar/bullet resistant riding jacket for cops, with Kevlar plates instead of the plastic I have in my jacket.
I know the airport police here at NY, Called the PAPD has a motorcycle unit and they have to do a 80 hour training session once they're transferred into the motorcycle unit. Some of it is high speed and they HAVE to max out their harleys for the course. I spoke with one once and didn't get much more. I wish I could take it....:p

Northwestern University Center for Public Safety -

edit* I think they have to max it out I'm not sure, that's what the officer said :confused:
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i never understood this either. might have something to do with access to all his equipment (radio, gun, etc.) but you could just as easily make holsters and whatnot for a leather/textile suit. granted those would probably be custom made, and therefore expensive, but the cost of surgery >>> cost of suit.
Their attitude protects them. They can also type on their computer, use their cell phone, radio and speed. All of which would get the rest of us tickets.
because on top of the vest and everything else we carry if we have to fight someone we do need to be able to move some. and as far as wearing long sleves the uniform shirt would offer very little protection. Also with all the protective gear it would be harder to use our batman belts

Just wanted to note...best forum name ever for a cop! haha farva!
Their attitude protects them. They can also type on their computer, use their cell phone, radio and speed. All of which would get the rest of us tickets.

You know there is always someone complaining about us , but when you need us your the first one Bit##### about us not being there fast enough.
When you come walk a mile in ours shoes you'll see your complaint is un warranted. Im not saying there's not cops out there who abuse their power but damn i get tired of us all being put in that category. Our Job requires us to do all those things your complaining about you dont like it ? write your conrgressman your senator tell them about it . ( Sorry about the rant guys):rant:
I agree farva. Its part of your job, and idk about your location, but in minnesota they train our MHP and Sherrifs to function their vehicles while multitasking in various situations! Disbatch calls, computer checks, phone response, and evasive and tactical action all at low, medium and high speeds. Little do you know mguenther, the cop is typically mutlitasking two-3 things at a time while driving-watching traffic, watching for seatbelt infractions, and cell phone infractions. They do alot for you that you can only imagine yet seem to care less about. But hey, ill give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you were being fescicious!
You know there is always someone complaining about us , but when you need us your the first one Bit##### about us not being there fast enough.
When you come walk a mile in ours shoes you'll see your complaint is un warranted. Im not saying there's not cops out there who abuse their power but damn i get tired of us all being put in that category. Our Job requires us to do all those things your complaining about you dont like it ? write your conrgressman your senator tell them about it . ( Sorry about the rant guys):rant:

Thank you for serving us everyday.
Thank you for serving us everyday.

I second this! Your just as important to us as our military, fire department, and paramedics! But you recieve an extreme lack of credit for the aptitude your job requires! Your a neccesity that society often overlooks and that should change, you lead a life of danger every day and risk not coming home so our familys stay safe, even when you have your own family at home you still risk it for us! Every job line has crookes, prickes, jerks, thiefs....so dont peg your PD with any of that.
Thanks Guys , its nice to know someone out there does appreciate what we do . My profession is one of the most hated , and despised out there but yet im addicted to what i do . I LOVE my job like I Love riding my bike. One minute I'm getting a drunk off the road, or chasing someone that just robbed somebody to the next im helping a little old lady get up of the floor. i never know what I'm going to do and your right whether or not im coming home. BUT if i can help one person , or make the world a little better for one person then I know ive done my job. Besides how many people have a job they are truly happy doing on a daily basis?

Cautious - what part of Minnesota are you in? I used to live in Chisholm quite awhile ago
If I recall Chisolm is quite north of me, I havent looked at a map recently, but Im from Clearwater, st cloud area! Where are you an Officer? How come you left good old "sucky not so great motorcycle roads minnesota"? lol
My father was and still is military , I was born in La Crosse Wisconsin , Lived In Minn , Alaska , Maine , Penn, Mass , Jersey , Virginia and now for the past 13 years eastern north carolina . The roads here arnt much better we have some curvy roads but theres alot of long straight roads more set up for cruisers . You really have to get off the map to find good roads and most of them havent been maintained in 15 years or more. i work in Wash. Co
i understand multitasking and was almost run off the road by a mutltitasker
the other day. They're no better drivers than the rest of us. Just think they are.

i understand multitasking and was almost run off the road by a mutltitasker
the other day. They're no better drivers than the rest of us. Just think they are.

Man you sure have a attitude towards the police, and yes I will say police. Sorry guys but to me the well used word,,Cops just seemd so disrespectful to the men and woman in "blue" who help protect our cities/towns/villages and streets. I am pretty sure Mgunenther, that if something happened to you or your family (God forbid) the 1st person you would call and want there are the police. Also I am just as sure that policeman and woman recieve extensive driver training that you or I could not even imagine.:thumbup:
