How do you guys make people "Understand" why gear is important?

So because of this thread, I got to talking to hubby - who has been riding for around 15 years. He has worn jeans for most of his riding life but has underarmour - the underarmour is only within the last couple years though. He read the whole page about the mesh melting today.

Because of this thread - I told him that we are both going to buy riding jeans before our trip next month. He's actually been meaning to buy a pair for a little while now, but time and finances never aligned. Before the start of this season, he finally got a new set of boots to replace his 10 year old Daytona's (good boot just old and I wanted him to have more protection, esp on our trip).

Now all I have to do is decide if the Sartso would be better to wear than my alter ego's and mesh. ;)
Dragon,,, What do you mean OLD RIDERS? There are no old riders here....wait a minute,,,,aaaaaaa,,,, what was I talkin about? Any one here seen my keys,slippers, teeth? :p Laurie:thumbup:

I stand corrected,when you are riding there are no old riders. True story-lost my car keys for 10 months,just found them. Thanks for the laugh!
Glad to see that you guys are taking this stuff seriously. Getting riding jeans are a good idea, but they don't provide any impact protection. You may want to get some armored shorts, and knee/shin guards for under the jeans, or just get riding pants. It seems to be the majority that GOOD mesh will protect you. Cheap jackets and pants will most likely not protect you. I trust my gear, because I refuse to skimp on gear to save some bucks....just to end up spending them at the hospital if I got into an accident. Good gear will last, so I look at it as a sound investment since I have so much to lose. :thumbup:

We've always worn gear. I've never worn jeans on a bike - always riding pants. We consider that the new gear we buy is just an upgrade to gear we have always had.
yeah i dont have riding pants therefore i wear jeans , it is what it is i wear everything else though , boots , helmet , jacket , gloves. Although crashing is not on my to do list its always a possibility when riding and just something you always have to be aware of . Its all a matter of risk VS reward its something we face everytime we sit on our bikes .
We've talked about this a time or 100, Zach, haha. All I can really tell you, is that you can't give her her way. I know that it sucks to argue, and that it's hard when people want to be stubborn, but in the end, it comes down to being your responsibility, and when it comes to THAT argument, you HAVE to come straight out with a "No." because in the end, whether it's 1/4 mile or 100 miles, there's always a chance of going down, or getting smacked by a driver that isn't paying attention. That simple two letter word, "No.", or something as simple as putting on gear and being a little bit warm, Could be the difference between her going on her next ride, or taking her next breath in the event the crash was bad enough, and I know that you'd never want that guilt on your chest.
I had someone ask me while I was filling up last week, why I wear all my gear. I showed him the first picture sparkxx1 posted from the R6 forum. Hope he got the point, especially if he rides.

^I fucking love that. I rider willing to help another ride out so he doesn't end up with stubs of fingers.

You guys should have seen when I was trying to convince my parents that I was investing 100$ on a textile jacket and not just wasting my money. I'll slowly have to buy gear because they're the biggest morons on the planet. I respect them and everything but I swear if I tell them the grass is green, they'll contradict me because I can't be right.

After I pay midnightroadie for the retrofit kit, I'm going to be buying sidi vortice boots and some textile pants. I picked up a Joe Rocket Altar Ego from the r6 forums for about 100 bucks. Whoo can't wait to finish getting my gear! Jacket, Helmet, Gloves..done! Pants, boots, and chest protector are next. Plus I plan to buy my girlfriend a whole set of gear so she can ride with me. Eventually I want her to get a ninja 250r. :hug:
