Why don't police wear gear?

Wow the atgatt patrol is so full on here. I kindve get it but really telling cops they should wearmore gear? Sometimes you just gotta let sh*t go. I was offered blast resistant underwear in afghanistan. I didn't take it.
Wow the atgatt patrol is so full on here. I kindve get it but really telling cops they should wearmore gear? Sometimes you just gotta let sh*t go. I was offered blast resistant underwear in afghanistan. I didn't take it.

That's your choice, but the excuses made were worthless on the part of the cop that stated his opinion. I merely countered with a much better argument for wearing gear........ lol.

I've worn kevlar drawers as well as full armor. It's a son of a bitch but I wasn't about to risk taking a bullet in the wrong spot during my time in the service being stuck with a bunch of pain in the ass marines, good guys but all pains in the ass, lol.

If you have the opportunity to protect yourself from harm then you take it... You can protect yourself while still enjoying life. Be smart about it and you'll live a lot longer and have a better quality of life.
Several of the local guys I've talked to around here wear under-pants armor of various types. Knee pads often conflict with the high boots, but it varies. Some of the underpants types of armor are pretty common.

They tell me that for the most part upper body armor is impossible under or around their "normal" body armor. Some do wear low-profile elbow pads under long-sleeved uniforms. There's a lot less of an excuse if you're in a police force that does not require the underlying body armor.

They're mostly very happy that LAPD and SMPD have finally started issuing modular helmets (I've seen Nolans and HJCs) and are requiring them of the new guys. Older guys are still "grandfathered" into the 3/4 helmets with face shield if they prefer.

That's pretty cool but for the upper body part, where there is a will there will be something found that works and fits without issue. There are so many choices of gear out there that it's pretty easy to find something that will work. I used to have a nice under armor shirt that I wore with my vest when I was stuck at norfolk naval suck, lol. I rode my honda in all the time and would just wear the under armor all day because it was perfect for winter around there. kept me warm enough all day.

Some of the new mesh under armor stuff is just really awesome though. I saw some in a retailer near me and have been wanting to upgrade since I saw it. I should be getting some new gear here soon.

Also there is a jacket out that I watched a video on that a cop had done, it's on youtube somewhere. The cops friend, another cop was wearing one and got in accident and now that particular jacket is standard issue for his department for all motorcycle cops. Pretty cool. I can't remember what the jackets name was but it was one that is supposed to compliment the uniform and looked like a cops jacket as well. If I feel squirely later I'll see if I can look it up again. I forger how I came across that video, it might have been linked through a video I wanted from the revzilla youtube page or something.
Found it..............

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Untvs45d_c]Tour Master Flex LE Jacket Police Testimonial at RevZilla.com - YouTube[/ame]
Has anyone one on here other than Farva or Rook worn a protective vest and a utility belt all day? The shit sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The department tells you what you can or cannot not wear. Some of us used the option to wear more. But it comes to a point where you just can't move, you movement is slow and restricted, and could cost you your life. I don't know about the other LEO's on here, but I COME FIRST, not matter what you think. I'm willing to do whatever I can to help you with your problems, but my living is just as important to my family as yours. I had over 880 hours of training before I ever took the state exam. I have hundreds of hours of additional training required by the sheriffs dept, I worked for. And we're not all pricks. My first dept. hired me just before my fortieth birthday to work with younger guys who seemed to develop god simplex. I used to tell them to get over themselves, because they're no different than the mailman, garbage workers, or whatever. The only difference between us and them was that we had guns. Our job was not to judge, but to enforce the law so that others could have a safe life.
Sorry about rant, but I hate bad cops as much as stupid squids. They make those of us who try to do things right get looked at as if we we're just like they are.
Has anyone one on here other than Farva or Rook worn a protective vest and a utility belt all day? The shit sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The department tells you what you can or cannot not wear. Some of us used the option to wear more. But it comes to a point where you just can't move, you movement is slow and restricted, and could cost you your life. I don't know about the other LEO's on here, but I COME FIRST, not matter what you think. I'm willing to do whatever I can to help you with your problems, but my living is just as important to my family as yours. I had over 880 hours of training before I ever took the state exam. I have hundreds of hours of additional training required by the sheriffs dept, I worked for. And we're not all pricks. My first dept. hired me just before my fortieth birthday to work with younger guys who seemed to develop god simplex. I used to tell them to get over themselves, because they're no different than the mailman, garbage workers, or whatever. The only difference between us and them was that we had guns. Our job was not to judge, but to enforce the law so that others could have a safe life.
Sorry about rant, but I hate bad cops as much as stupid squids. They make those of us who try to do things right get looked at as if we we're just like they are.

I agree that being able to move is important for a cop and yes, I've had to wear a vest, belt, Kevlar pants and a hell of a lot more gear on a day to day basis for years.... It did suck but I got over it.

My point that I already made earlier is that there is still a lot more you can do to protect yourself from harm and still remain able to move and do your day to day jobs with a little more protection.

Just because you receive a lot of training doesn't mean that crap on a stick can't happen. If you choose not to protect yourself, that's your prerogative but the argument that it's going to restrict your movement and not allow you to do your job is just a piss poor argument and I'll hold to that. There are plenty of options out there that are light but still effective in protecting the rider. Something is better than nothing.......
Just a thought that came to mind, but you guys keep saying oh the officers I encounter are dicks or seem like they don't want to be there. Well for you atgatt people, just imagine how HOT they would be if you were just sitting there in all your gear, not riding not moving just sitting there waiting, running the gun, even in the shade would be miserable. NOW think of how much more of a foul mood you would be in if you were all sweaty and hot and then had to interact with a pissed off person about to get a ticket. Do you REALLY want the officer that MIGHT let you off with a warning to be in a bad mood becasue he is hot as balls coming up to give you a ticket? And yeah yeah yeah, just take the gear off while your waiting, BUT what if you get a call and then have to put all the gear back on? Do you want that taking up valuable response time so you can complain that they took to long to get there again? Pros and Cons Gents, Pros and Cons ;) just a thought....
Here in Victoria, Australia, the motorbike cops wear leather pants and textile hi-via Armoured jackets.
Just a thought that came to mind, but you guys keep saying oh the officers I encounter are dicks or seem like they don't want to be there. Well for you atgatt people, just imagine how HOT they would be if you were just sitting there in all your gear, not riding not moving just sitting there waiting, running the gun, even in the shade would be miserable. NOW think of how much more of a foul mood you would be in if you were all sweaty and hot and then had to interact with a pissed off person about to get a ticket. Do you REALLY want the officer that MIGHT let you off with a warning to be in a bad mood becasue he is hot as balls coming up to give you a ticket? And yeah yeah yeah, just take the gear off while your waiting, BUT what if you get a call and then have to put all the gear back on? Do you want that taking up valuable response time so you can complain that they took to long to get there again? Pros and Cons Gents, Pros and Cons ;) just a thought....

while I do agree with you on certain aspects I also have worn some of the gear I mentioned earlier in the thread and they are pretty comfortable gear and don't get all that hot. I may not be short sleeve cool but even just hanging around at the bar or whatever outside on a hot day with friends with the gear on it's not bad IMO, and I live in an area that sees very commonly 90+ heat with 90+ humidity... lol. So if I can tolerate it I'm sure most anyone else could and I hate the heat personally. Granted during the summer I don't ride that much because the heat down here is just nasty but winter time down here is nothing but riding all over the damn place.
...I think the point that is being missed here is that it's a choice. I support using riding gear just as much as seatbelts in cars, fire supression systems in kitchens, and lifeguards at beaches, but I could care less if you choose to ride in a speedo. Honestly, it's as bad as the friggin Jehovas showing up at my house to try and inflict their opinion on me. I have my belief and I'm comfortable with it.
Stop being so insecure! Every cop that has replied has given a perfectly reasonable argument for their choice. Just because their views on gear are different from yours doesn't mean your views are invalid. You have nothing to prove! Wear your gear, and ride safe. Hopefully you never have to use it. Or don't wear your damn gear! I don't care. Just don't tell me what gear I should or shouldn't wear.
If I choose to ride in a t-shirt and wind up looking like overcooked pizza, it's my fault. Yes, you knew better. Yes, you warned me. Yes, you told me so. Feel smart? I don't mean to have a tantrum, but I just get frustrated by all of this inflicting views on one another.
As for the cop bashing, we've all done something that would garner the attention of a police officer. It sucks when we get called on it. It hits in the wallet and the pride as well. But I think it's fair to say that being randomly persecuted for doing absolutely nothing wrong is very rare indeed. Sometimes police officers can be more heavy-handed than we would like, but remember; they have no idea if you're just being a little enthusiastic or if you're a squid. Imagine giving someone a warning and then 20 minutes later they hit a pedestrian doing 100 in town and kill someone. How do you face your boss? Yourself? You know you're not the sort of douche that would do that, but the officer sure doesn't.
It's a tough job, and like most there are a few cats who are really good at it, a whole bunch who are more or less OK at it, and a few who suck badly. Nice when you meet a good one, and a major pain when you meet one who sucks.
So, there's my rant; flame away! :p

Awkward, could only find one photo of South Australian motorcycle uniform and it's not even a good one! Still, it's full leathers for them. Which would suck when it's 40+ degrees celsius.

