How do you guys make people "Understand" why gear is important?

Motivation that worked for me when I hadn't quite realized the horror of road rash or really accepted that I could get hurt: All that gear is expensive and not wearing it would be a severe waste of money.

If she is even considering going without some gear, the reality of crashing is clearly not standing out in her mind. She may see all those pictures and think, "yeah but that's if we crash...we probably won't crash."
Two suggestions. Remember that you are blocking any cooling effect from the wind. Also, I suggest telling her that cops hold the driver of a motorcycle responsible for the safety gear of both rider and passenger and that you simply don't want any trouble while out riding.

You can also cater to her intelligence and tell her that the high weight of a sport bike makes them more likely to tip over.

Ultimately, you will probably have to tell her it makes you uncomfortable, without making it an argument.
My wife is all about having to look good. She thinks bikes were ment for one thing, to look sexy on. Shes slowly coming around, she would never be on a bike without a jacket and helmet and gloves, but she wont do knee guards or riding pants and I fear for her. But I cant win, shes even in the med field. Im going to show her this thread and hope it changes!
Im glad my wife is well aware of the dangers and takes it seriously. She wears full gear.
I don't let people ride on my bike without gear, or in my car without a seatbelt. Even if I can't make them understand, I can be sure that I am not a party to them getting injured unecessarily. My rules are THE rules when you're dealing with my stuff. If you don't like it, that's your problem, not mine.

When I first started driving, 5 years ago, my younger sister tried to manipulate me like she does my dad. I went with my sister to drop my dad off at the train station and I was left with my sister. I'm about to head back home but I look at her and she isn't even in her seat she was in the back of the minivan playing with her toys. Long story short I sat there 20 minutes in 95 degree weather with the windows almost closed waiting for her to put her seatbelt on because I was not budging. After that we had one more incident like that because she tried to do it while I was driving, and my parents were in the car. My dad said forget it lets go. I said no and we sat there for 10 minutes again. Now she wears her seatbelt every time. Sometimes you just have to be stubborn and adamant about safety.

Took care of that for you, because I agree. It is very annoying to me to see people not wearing gear and I think that I piss a lot of new riders off because they are all gung ho until I tell them to wear everything all the time.

Might send you some more links from time to time so you can update the thread. I see them all the time on the gixxer and r6 forums. I'm an addict to all the forums but lurk more than post...The stuff that shows up just makes me cringe.
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Since we are on the protective are jeans? I don't wear jeans, I wear motorcycle pants (Alter Ego with liner for colder weather and a similar mesh version for warm days). I've always been scared to wear just do jeans hold up to road rash? I am thinking about Sartso jeans (which are obviously above and beyond regular jeans), but I wonder how protective an every day pair really are.

have you looked into those sartso jeans anymore? I looked at their site and they look pretty legit, i ride with jeans most of the time but after reading this thread i will never ever ride without full gear again. I thought i was on top of the world and that nothing could happen to me. I look back now and how stupid Ive been all year (wear gym shorts to the gym, muscle shirt to the lake). I am thankful for all of the great riders on this forum and opening my eyes to the danger that can happen. Thank you all for being great role models and putting the knowledge into my head about what can happen and how to protect ourselves. With that being said, i can promise you that you will never see me wearing shorts on my bike ever again and that i will always be fully protected!
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have you looked into those sartso jeans anymore? I looked at their site and they look pretty legit, i ride with jeans most of the time but after reading this thread i will never ever ride without full gear again. I thought i was on top of the world and that nothing could happen to me. I look back now and how stupid Ive been all year (wear gym shorts to the gym, muscle shirt to the lake). I am thankful for all of the great riders on this forum and opening my eyes to the danger that can happen. Thank you all for being great role models and putting the knowledge into my head about what can happen and how to protect ourselves. With that being said, i can promise you that you will never see me wearing shorts on my bike ever again and that i will always be fully protected!


There ya go... THIS IS WHY WE PREACH ATGATT! By helping change peoples minds about safety and the REAL dangers that exist, we are helping save people from massive amounts of pain and even death.

Again, THANK YOU to all that have listened and opened their eyes to this and to those that preach it.
Thank you Jay and all the other mods on the forum because you are the main safety preachers here and we all look up to you guys. The young and old riders here! :)
i saw what wearing full gear does not even two weeks ago when my dad hit a deer on his bike. I will always at least my helmet jacket gloves and boots. always . gear saves lives , ive seen to many wrecks too much skin on the road not to
Don't give up Jon. You have probably helped more young riders than you realize on here to get the message. Thanks to you for being persistant!
I am sure Jon that you do get very frustrated. It's kind of like being a parent and telling your kids that "we" have to know where you are all the time,and getting flack from them. I am not saying that you should give up the Crusade, just suggest better options of gear. If people do not want to listen,like you said,,you can't fix stupid. Laurie
Thank you Jay and all the other mods on the forum because you are the main safety preachers here and we all look up to you guys. The young and old riders here! :)

Dragon,,, What do you mean OLD RIDERS? There are no old riders here....wait a minute,,,,aaaaaaa,,,, what was I talkin about? Any one here seen my keys,slippers, teeth? :p Laurie:thumbup:
