What did you do to your bike today?

I run into this with my neck issues. I dont really get effected too much by my pain meds. But when im on the bike any effect is too much. So by the time i get home from a ride im in need :banghead:

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Exactly. Do yo have a bad disc in your spine? Or was it from an accident of some sort? I hate having high immunity to medications and whatnot... My dad has had so many surgeries done before (and after) I was born that the antibodies his body made passed on to me. I have to take about 2000 milligrams of vicodin to even start to feel its effect. Sucks.
New gloves:

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2000mg of Vicodin? You mean the 4 of the 5/500mg Vicodin right? My whole family has a huge pain med resistance issue. When I had sinus and throat surgery a few years ago, I was getting a shot of morphine, 2 Percocet 2 hrs later, then another shot of morphine 2 hrs later, all night long. Then 2 Percocet every 4 hrs for 2 weeks after that at home, and I was still in horrible pain.

I had a bad BMX racing crash about 6 years ago. One bulging disc, 3 cracked and degenerated discs, narrowed neuro pathways, all between C2 and C6. I get steroid epidurals every 4 months so that I only have to take 3 Norco (equal to 6 Vicodin) a day to function.

Yeah I feel you on the pain killers. Damn that sucks yet you still keep on keeping on. I salute you sir! I'm sure you've though about having the surgery... my dad had to have a disc removed (I forget which one) but he was in bad shape for a while. Had to go in from the front of his throat and go to the back to get the disc out. Hope you feel better man.
So tonight I took apart the entire rear of the bike. Seats off, all rear body work removed and a few other things.

I installed a new exhaust.

Vance and Hines Urban Brawler (black)

I would have finished installing my new fender eliminator tonight but the bolts that I have are the wrong size so I have to wait until tomorrow and go by home depot or ace hardware to see if I can find the right bolts. It seems they changed the rear plastic and metal piece for the Ninja 1000 late in the year and as a result of these subtle changes I now have to get 5-10mm longer bolts so that I can at least get them to mount properly. What a pain in the butt!!! I'm going to fire an email off to evotech performance in the next week to see what kind of response they give me and if they ever actually update the fact that you need slightly different bolts for each of the bikes.

This is the state of things right now:

Click for larger image.

I also need to find a decently thick piece of sheet metal to make myself a different license place bracket as right now I'm going to have to mount the plate sideways until I can find a piece of metal big enough to work.

I also have to mount the dopey 1x4 reflector as well because of that new law that florida came up with stating you have to have a 1x4 inch reflector on the back of the bike. So I will have to find a piece of metal big enough that will allow me to bend the tail of down do that I can mount the plate to it and have a little more to be able to mount the reflector to that as well.

I did a quick test of the exhaust in the garage and it is louder than I expected but still pretty decent I will have to see what's up when I get the tail of the bike back together and take it for a ride. I do have the silencers in the exhaust as well.
Got a tank pad and some chain lube for the bike and some denim/Kevlar riding jeans. Also ordered some icon riding boots. Finally get me out of regular jeans and work boots when I ride.

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Riding pants are the only piece of gear I don't have yet.

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Cycle gear is having a sale on bilt iron workers. Kevlar blend in impact zones and knee pads. Great fit and comfortable. Great for casual riding/commuting but really don't replace leathers if your out for a harder ride.

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Get some man!!! That is the only piece of gear I didnt have when I went down... Then I discovered I wanted knee pads too after the impact, the tear through and the road rash on my knees... Was NOT pleasant getting washed off and then treated with antiseptic for a few days. Then even though bandaged, feeling them brush against my dockers at work! OMG what agony.. Granted may still have happened with riding pants (overpants) or the kevlar jeans, but MAY not have been as bad. Best part was that that "off" was only 35-40mph!

I have some unexpected funds coming my way here in the next week or two. I plan on getting our driveway sealed, cement patio mud jacked and a storm door. Then with the extra $, pay off 2 of my many:eek::( credit cards, bank some...... Then I was going between bike stuff or gear.. Think I might do gerbing or so heated jacket liner for late fall.. Thinking my new FJR will probably have to wait for next spring... I should probably pay off all of my credit cards, and most of wifes before we try for the bike.. :(:(:(

Dude. Pay off the credit before you do anything else. Get free from debt. Priority one my friend.
Try to find one of same brand as your jacket. Not always, but usually you can then zip them together. Little bit more protection.

Also helps keep your pants up when walking more :D, and keep your jacket down when riding!

Not sure about yalls jackets, but my Cortech came with a zipper piece that can be sewn in to any pants. Making those pants able to be zippered to the jacket.

Broke it, somehow. Dropped it off at the dealer to see what they can come up with. Preliminary guesses are disheartening, I'll hold off until its official. :confused:

And on top of that, my insurance is probably going to total my one year old enclosed trailer.

Week from hell. :soapbox:
