Put a face to your name....

HAHA! Awesome. :D
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dude, grow your hair out, and go for a ride thru city with green bodypaint,shirtless, growlin at all passing cars,lol.
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Ya, i'm bulking right now(no cardio) so I have a lot of water retention thus a higher BMI. I'll start to shred in May, which means come July I will look like a Monster with the striations in my muscles ect. I just passed 6 plates(315lbs bench) but have a season goal of 8 plates(405lbs) which would be an all time high but not sure if I can hit that weight this season as i'm up against a wall right now & need to work on the diet aspects(mainly higher protien intake). I work out hard for 6 months, maybe a year then I let myself go for about the same amount of time. As I get older, it's gettng harder & harder to get back to hulk status.lol. I'm about 290lbs right now (6"8). Hoping to cut to around 275 ounce I kick in the cardio.

I didn't even know you could make a photo green like that, I would use it as my avatar if the backround wasn't my wifes lame PC room lol.

Damn 290 That makes me rethink my gut big time. Granted you have a good 8 inches on me though. I'm 275 right now and want to get back to 230, though with a screwed up leg and arm it's not easy.

And yes, as you get older it's a SOB to get back into shape once you get out of it....

Once you get set have the little woman take a shot of you and I'll green you up in photoshop. It's actually pretty easy to do.
Look at me on it lol... Those are pics from when I first had gotten the FZ6R...

you look like you should be riding in some kind circus act... lol. just messing, it's crazy that you can flat foot so much on that thing, look at the bend in those knees!

Now you guys see why I got a BUSA... I'm handicapped man lol. 6"2, ect is tall but i'm at a whole different level lol.

pretty much. Even though I'm at 6foot I still can just barely flat foot on the ninja 1000. Granted if I loose a few pounds it will be easier...

I've ridden busa before though and they are pretty low but I do remember that their pegs were a little better positioned for me. I find on the smaller bikes that my legs don't like to bend so tight to get on the pegs.
whats up with the fire suit on the fz6r, is that what im seeing ?

looks kinda funny.
whats up with the fire suit on the fz6r, is that what im seeing ?

looks kinda funny.

Textile riding suit... You know, for protection and all.
