One of the worst excuses for "not seeing a motorcycle"


New Member
that is some BS. at least she admitted it! hopefully this helps stop any future accidents

it won't. people now a days have the "it won't happen to me" mentality about everything.

I was riding along with one of my managers a few weeks back. The entire time she's either talking on her phone, answering emails or texting. All while driving. I kindly expressed my level of discomfort, but she continued. Even said to me "I do this every day, I know what I'm doing". I kindly said "you have two choices. 1. let me out right here and I'll take a cab to where we're going on the company dime, or, 2. I'll rip that phone out of your hands and throw it out the window unless you put it down and leave it down". She put it down.

pisses me off.
So infuriating. This ***** ought to be sat on a motorcycle and ran over the same way. If I saw her out on the streets, I think I'd :*****slap: her.
it won't. people now a days have the "it won't happen to me" mentality about everything.

I was riding along with one of my managers a few weeks back. The entire time she's either talking on her phone, answering emails or texting. All while driving. I kindly expressed my level of discomfort, but she continued. Even said to me "I do this every day, I know what I'm doing". I kindly said "you have two choices. 1. let me out right here and I'll take a cab to where we're going on the company dime, or, 2. I'll rip that phone out of your hands and throw it out the window unless you put it down and leave it down". She put it down.

pisses me off.

You, my friend, have stones.
I see it everyday. I don't know how many people almost run into my rig daily. Don't think it'll ever stop.

Sent while running with scissors.
it won't. people now a days have the "it won't happen to me" mentality about everything.

I was riding along with one of my managers a few weeks back. The entire time she's either talking on her phone, answering emails or texting. All while driving. I kindly expressed my level of discomfort, but she continued. Even said to me "I do this every day, I know what I'm doing". I kindly said "you have two choices. 1. let me out right here and I'll take a cab to where we're going on the company dime, or, 2. I'll rip that phone out of your hands and throw it out the window unless you put it down and leave it down". She put it down.

pisses me off.

That's awesome, what I would have done. except I would have added you sit over here and ill sit there and drive so you can be a dumb *** all you want. Yes we have all probably done it but like others I stopped doing it and when I did I always made sure there was a massive gap in front of me. Feel really sorry for this family.
Soccer moms in SUV's. I swear it. The only thing more lethal to bikers are Prius drivers.
Calling it an accident offends me (motorcycle or not)... it isn't an accident if it can TOTALLY BE AVOIDED. I hope justice is swift and brutal.
I've said it before, but there is little distinction between texting and driving and drinking and driving. In both cases you are knowingly putting yourself and others at risk and choose to take that risk. If you kill someone while drinking and driving you go to jail, why should it be any different for texting and driving (if your state outlaws texting and driving) It's ridiculous when people get away scott free from killing someone because they couldn't wait to LOL their girlfriend.

Soccer moms in SUV's. I swear it. The only thing more lethal to bikers are Prius drivers.

I couldn't agree more. funny thing is all these prius drivers we have here in so cal because of the high gas actually think they are saving money. They seemed to have forgotten they paid 7000 more for that prius than a sentra or fusion. At that rate they will have to drive the car about 10 years to make up the extra they spent on the car with gas savings. And that's just to break even. Good thing is its one of the few cars that I feel like if I hit it with my bike its going to suffer as much damage as me!
Maybe it's a generational thing (I'm 61), but I absolutely cannot understand this obsessive psychological need to be in constant communication with everyone you know. I see people EVERYWHERE imaginable talking/texting on their phones. What in the hell are they talking about?

I have a cell phone for emergencies and long distance calls to family. I don't even have texting in my plan. I generally use less than 15 minutes per month. I value my privacy and peace and quiet. The last thing I want to do is listen to someone on the other end of the phone telling me about every little insignificant detail of their (usually boring) daily lives.

OK, rant over.
Soccer moms in SUV's. I swear it. The only thing more lethal to bikers are Prius drivers.

HAHAHA! I would have to add SmartCar drivers to the mix as well. (People I've seen driving one seem anything but smart.) Have had issues with all 3 groups and this is only my second year riding...

Whilst in college station, TX, I saw a great many of dinged cars and trucks, some with some pretty bad damage. Then I learned texting or being on the phone isn't illegal there, except in school zones. And then I saw how many people drive home drunk from the bars. And then I was glad I didn't ride while there.

Soooooo glad it's illegal where I am, and that people overall take it seriously.
