Official FZ6R Forum Shirts.

Maybe one of Jon Kerr's photos of him tearing up the asphalt dragging a knee etc...! Just an idea, his photos are awesome!
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bump... for anyone with some ideas... im not having much luck finding a good tee shirt quality pic...

maybe we should use Jay's meme as the back of the shirt

then slap this pic of John on the front of the shirt with the FZ6R decal text and under that put FZ6R smaller text... that being said would we be able to A have legal permission to use the dos eques thing? and would aether jay or John give us permission to use there images?

----^ would be great to have one like this and then another more simple design but this one would be a great idea too

I dont think we could really use the dos eques thing.. but I may be able to get the pic cleaned up for the back, then just do the FZ6R logo on the front ?
Can someone contact the person who's pic it is to ask for permission? Have them reply here. Thanks
here is a little something-something


  • fz6r.jpg
    53.8 KB · Views: 32
  • gnvqyt4a1.jpg
    77 KB · Views: 88
That looks really nice! I could see the bike on the front, and the forum logo on the back.

Sent from my spirit fingers using Tapatalk.
I'd suggest the actual FZ6R logo for the lettering on the first one.

Having a blown up pic of Jon dragging his knee on our 6R would be bad @SS! End of story! Hurry and post the pics brother! I haven't been this excited since I met my girl friend!
