Never Crashed? Please read


New Member
There seem to me to be way too many crash posts on here. Makes me think twice. Some people are convinced that everyone goes down eventually. id like to think that's not true and its possible I could survive being a rider into my 50's. I would have to question mine, and really everyones sanity if 100% of bike riders went down. Id like to hear from people who have never been in an accident with a number of some kind. 10 years and accident free, 10,000 miles and accident free etc.

I learned to ride when I was about 12 on dirt bikes and have ridden friends bikes both on the dirt and on street since then but have never bought my own until January. I bought a cruiser which I love to cruise around with the wife or my daughter but was no good for keeping up with my riding buddies street triple or even a can am so enter the FZ6R.

Ill start with me which is about 3000 miles so far no accidents.
My oldest brother road for about 10 years and had no accidents.
My other brother is on about 6 years with no accidents either. He recently changed to a can am and that highly reduces his risk going forward but he had a ninja 650 and concourse before that.

Who else? :)
Karma and forces greater than me in the universe indicate I should not answer that question. You would do well to not ever ask it. You talking to the pitcher who's got a no-hitter into the 8th.
Karma and forces greater than me in the universe indicate I should not answer that question. You would do well to not ever ask it. You talking to the pitcher who's got a no-hitter into the 8th.

LMAO you know I thought someone was going to say that, but I love the pitcher reference. Not a believer in that either. How come mentioning crashing is not bad Karma but mentioning not crashing is? Oh well im guessing there wont be a big list here LOL. Sorry if I broke some forum rule! I'll just stay away from the crash posts from now on :)
100 miles, and wrecked 50 times... So, if the God of Averages is watching, you can stop looking in on me, and move on... nothing to see here...
3000km's since my last...
16,800-ish miles, no crashes. If I was gonna crash I expected it to be last weekend down at ROC in STL but it really wasn't that bad, I didn't see any wheelies, just burn outs and some dumb asses speeding (lots of engine revving and loud pipes though).

Although my bike has been down twice (once due to wind, I think the other somebody knock it over while drunk) so maybe the gremlins are all shook out by now.
Ending my third season on the streets this year. Somewhere around 40k right now. On my sixth bike. Started on 78 gs750 and quickly realized modern technology is my friend. Owned all sorts of sport bikes, including a cbr1000rr, and I have not yet had any mishaps. Haven't even had a bike of mine tip over yet.

With this said, every year I've been riding I grasp the concept of safe motorcycling and accident avoidance more and more. I ride with the thought of mechanical failure, driver error, and critters all the time. Some of the best advice I've been given is not that you must ride as if your invisible, but to always be planning escape routes in traffic. I know that someday I will go down, and generally I ride suited up enough that if its a rather minor get off I have great odds of walking away. It's the high speed, obstacles in the roadway crash that worries me. There are so many preventative things one can do to offset the scales from the average. I didn't get into motorcycling to be a mediocre rider.
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I think about crashing every day. I'd have to be superstitious to believe talking about it today will make me go down tomorrow. You just said in another thread it's inevitable, so why's it matter ?
To the op, as I stated in Anthony's crash thread, check out the adv rider community forum. Quite a few silver haired, high mileage geezers out there with great track records.

I also ride a snowboard at speeds around 60mph... My idea of crashing is hitting something that does not move. Everything else is sliding around. That's what the gear is for.
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Haven't had any issues yet but crashing isn't something I fixate on. I'm aware of things but one never knows.

Sent while running with scissors.
I try to watch crash videos weekly to keep myself centred and remind myself to not get squidy.
Cant say that I have crashed a moto (as yet) but I have dropped my ride after locking the front wheel and tipping her over in the shed when I firgot the stand was up.
There are somehings you have no control about in this world and that is where ATGATT comes to play.
I just hit 3660 miles, first bike I've owned, haven't crashed. I don't get on my bike every day expecting that one of these days I will go down, but then again I don't get in my car every day expecting to get into a wreck. You can't prevent everything, but you can stack the odds in your favor...check your bike regularly to narrow the chances of mechanical failure, check your surroundings regularly to narrow the chances of someone cutting you off, check the road as your riding to avoid potholes, etc.

I push the limits at times, and simply increasing your speed decreases the amount of time you have to react, but I can mitigate most of the common causes (sand, oil, potholes...) by pushing the limits only on roads I know well, or that I've scoped just before running at higher speeds.

I like the thread, it's good to hear everyone's opinions; for me I'm not superstitious (how can you be when your birthday is October 13?), but it doesn't bother me if you are. Thanks 'erbody!
