How NOT to clean your chain! (WARNING: GRAPHIC!)

Saw this on the Gixxer forum...
Don't click if you dont like blood. GRAPHIC PICS INSIDE.

From the title, I had a pretty good idea what was coming and I knew I probably shouldn't look, but I did anyway.

Really disturbing, but kudos to the poster for keeping a positive outlook and helping others learn from his mistake.
that sucks that he had to learn the hard way!:eek::eek::eek:

(man the GIXXER forum is looking pretty bad lately, first the energy drink incident now this!)
WTF! There was only one or two encouraging posts for him! What kinda community is that?!!

I feel very sorry for that guy...that's a really bad way to learn. Hope he can still ride though...
That is a pretty harsh community, then again, it is easy to be a dick online! Whatever though! I'm definately bringing that lesson up to my friends!
That's what i was thinking. There were more than just a couple, but you have to keep in mind that most of those guys are probably 16-24 year old "kids" (i'm 22) and are either really immature or trying to make light of the situation for the guy.

I knew i shouldn't have clicked on it, but I did anyways. I knew it would be graphic but man...that made me cringe. Good lesson to all of us.
I personally knew a guy on another MC forum who lost his leg when he was hit by a car running a red light. He posted about it and posted pic and everything.. He like the people giving him crap about it it just made him feel better about the whole thing, the people that gave him sympathy just made him feel bad about what has happened..
Yeah, it's strange how that works. I guess it all depends on how the person involved sees it and how they are trying to cope with what happened. If they try to make light of it, then the snide comments are probably welcomed, where the sympathetic ones make them feel regretful or remorseful. :don'tknow:

this just happened to a good friend of mine... he did it yesterday at around 3in the afternoon, I didn't find out until last night and he was in surgery until 4 this morning, I haven't heard any updates yet.

He cut all four fingers, at the knuckle... was medivaced from a school up the street to Baltimore's hand trauma center.... fortunately someone was home with him when it happened.

I heard he was lubing up the chain, and it happened so fast, just grabbed his hand instantly...

Thing that really sucks... he's in-between jobs.. been working on all of our bikes for side cash... so has no insurance... not a great way to start the 2011 riding season.:(

give him my reguards....:( i wish him the best
