Hi! I'm new, and going to cut my exhuast...


New Member
I just bought a 2011 Fz6r. This is my first bike, and I love it. One thing though, stock exhaust is a bit too quiet. Since the bike is so new, my dealer/service shop can only find a full exhaust by 2 Bros. I don't want to spend that money. I saw Marthy makes one too..

It appears slip ons are also not a choice as it is one piece.

However, my buddy said we could cut it at the collector, and weld on a 3 disk baffle pipe. My guess is the cat will be gone.

Question: Anyone know what size baffle I need to do this? 2 1/4? Would I need to retune?

Thanks in advance from a noobie,
Ha, well I suppose that's all true. However, from a safety stand point, the bike is too quiet. "loud pipes save lives"
how long have you been riding motorcycle
Ha, well I suppose that's all true. However, from a safety stand point, the bike is too quiet. "loud pipes save lives"

No they don't. Rider skill saves lives. Weather your pipes are loud or not, the millions of ignorant cagers out there still won't see you or pay attention to you.

Your ability as a rider to be aware, and use your skills to avoid a crash is what will save your life.

Like everybody else said, LEARN TO RIDE FIRST! :thumbup:
Okay guys... give the guy a break. You all assume he's a terrible rider since it's his first bike. He's just asking a simple question about the exhaust. Don't roast him because he's curious about what everyone else has been doing.

Welcome CraigEgg... take a look around at some of the custom exhausts done on here. There's a little bit of everything. Tons of ways to mod it that make me nervous enough to be okay with paying for the Two Bros! That's the way I will go when I can afford to.
Thank you Marthy and Aj! I was wondering what was up with so many trolls for a new thread, new guy. For those concerned with my riding:

I bought the bike almost the same day it came out. I have about 1200+ miles on the bike, sold the car, and ride it every day. Signed up for the safety course, have bikes in the family (mostly choppers) and have spent 10 hours +/- with a private instructor for canyon riding.

Some of the joy of riding is modding. Let me have my OCD. I think this bike is too quiet. I would have put the frame sliders and a slip on by now if they were more readiliy available. Since its a 1-piece exhaust I need(ed) a bit of tech help.

well said and f@!k the haters. Welcome and good luck! I cant leave my bike alone ether and mess with it whenever i can.:Im With Stupid:
Thank you Marthy and Aj! I was wondering what was up with so many trolls for a new thread, new guy. For those concerned with my riding:

I bought the bike almost the same day it came out. I have about 1200+ miles on the bike, sold the car, and ride it every day. Signed up for the safety course, have bikes in the family (mostly choppers) and have spent 10 hours +/- with a private instructor for canyon riding.

Some of the joy of riding is modding. Let me have my OCD. I think this bike is too quiet. I would have put the frame sliders and a slip on by now if they were more readiliy available. Since its a 1-piece exhaust I need(ed) a bit of tech help.


Should have worded it better in the OP then. The way you wrote it out there you had just got this bike and blah blah blah :lol:
I was just getting to knwo the rider, looked like it was one of his first posts, knew nothing about him, and know nothing about the exaust, just asking a simple question :)
First off, welcome to the board CraigEgg!

I agree this bike is VERY quiet. Whenever I'm riding with my buddies I can't hear the engine over their bikes and they both have stock exhaust (ex500, 600 bandit).

No they don't.
Yes they do! And anyone who has ridden a louder bike for any amount of time in traffic and in the city will agree.

Rider skill saves lives.
Your ability as a rider to be aware, and use your skills to avoid a crash is what will save your life.
I agree with you wholeheartedly on this one :Sport:
Welcome to the forum and community!

Try not to mistake caring for your safety as 'hate' and 'trolling' - the last thing we ALL want to see is a rider down for one reason or another, specially a situation that could have been prevented.

Anyway, I'd go for one of these methods of moding your pipe. The cheapest being cutting the tailpipe off the muffler and replacing it with a bigger diameter one. Second being Marthy's exhaust! Lastly of course would be the whole system change with a Two Brothers, M4 or Leo Vince.

Ride safe!
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I would say that:
1) situational awareness
2) good avoidance maneuvering skill
3) a well maintained machine
4) proper protective gear with reflective high visibility materials
5) DOT / SNELL approved helmets

all save far more lives than the ability to make a loud noise. If loud pipes really were proven to make a bike safer, all bikes would come standard with high wattage blaring stereos as a safety feature and required by law.

In a car with the windows up, AC cranked to the max, and a sub woofer thumping away, a person reading a text message or talking on the phone isn't going to be able to hear where the pipes are coming from anyway. Just think, some people don't even immediately recognize police cars with flashing lights and oscillating high pitched sirens blaring.

So lets just say, loud pipes are for the rider, because they like how they sound, which is fine. But be honest, don't say it's for safety.

Above all, welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the forum and community!

Try not to mistake caring for your safety as 'hate' and 'trolling' - the last thing we ALL want to see is a rider down for one reason or another, specially a situation that could have been prevented.

Anyway, I'd go for one of these methods of moding your pipe. The cheapest being cutting the tailpipe off the muffler and replacing it with a bigger diameter one. Second being Marthy's exhaust! Lastly of course would be the whole system change with a Two Brothers, M4 or Leo Vince.

Ride safe!

Leo Vince makes an FZ6R exhaust? :eek:

I would say that:
1) situational awareness
2) good avoidance maneuvering skill
3) a well maintained machine
4) proper protective gear with reflective high visibility materials
5) DOT / SNELL approved helmets

And I would say after forty five years riding bikes on the street. You are exactly correct. Just my surviver opinion. :) Oh yeah, welcome to the new people!
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