Hi! I'm new, and going to cut my exhuast...

I would say that:
1) situational awareness
2) good avoidance maneuvering skill
3) a well maintained machine
4) proper protective gear with reflective high visibility materials
5) DOT / SNELL approved helmets

all save far more lives than the ability to make a loud noise. If loud pipes really were proven to make a bike safer, all bikes would come standard with high wattage blaring stereos as a safety feature and required by law.

In a car with the windows up, AC cranked to the max, and a sub woofer thumping away, a person reading a text message or talking on the phone isn't going to be able to hear where the pipes are coming from anyway. Just think, some people don't even immediately recognize police cars with flashing lights and oscillating high pitched sirens blaring.

So lets just say, loud pipes are for the rider, because they like how they sound, which is fine. But be honest, don't say it's for safety.

Above all, welcome to the forum!

But, if I have loud pipes, that frees me up to do other things like text and eat and stuff while I ride...I don't want the hassle to have to worry if someone sees me ore not or have to ride defensivley....come on....I got loud pipes!! :D

All joking aside. I think having loud pipes gives the rider a false sense of security and an unreasonable expectation that everyone on the road should hear them. I have the stock exhaust still. I think riding vigilantly, defensively, and remaining visible goes a lot further than loud pipes. But, if your riding like that already and throw on some louder (not obnoxious) pipe to add to it, then all the more to you.

Like I always say...."Ride like they are all trying to kill you." That's the only way to ensure they hear you.
But, if I have loud pipes, that frees me up to do other things like text and eat and stuff while I ride...I don't want the hassle to have to worry if someone sees me ore not or have to ride defensivley....come on....I got loud pipes!! :D

'dawg! I saw you on a video in Hawai'i texting on your moto! :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K59eMpWsyNE]YouTube - Texting on a Motorcycle[/ame]

They should have put a parity music in the background, "Laid back... I got my mind on my texting and my texting on my mind."

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...
hahaha....hey, I'm too busy to worry about everyone else on the road....I've gotta update my facebook and tweeter and can't be bothered with such mundane tasks as paying attention to traffic and such. But, did you notice how people hear my exhuast and got outta my way?? :D :rof:

Just messing around all....I'm not an exhaust hater, so don't get all bent. Just don't straight pipe it!! Then, I'll be a hater....
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I would say that:
1) situational awareness
2) good avoidance maneuvering skill
3) a well maintained machine
4) proper protective gear with reflective high visibility materials
5) DOT / SNELL approved helmets

all save far more lives than the ability to make a loud noise.
I don't disagree with you there.
If loud pipes really were proven to make a bike safer
My personal experiences have proven itself to me over and over, that's all I need to know.
In a car with the windows up, AC cranked to the max, and a sub woofer thumping away, a person reading a text message or talking on the phone isn't going to be able to hear
Means your pipe needs to be louder ;-)
So lets just say, loud pipes are for the rider, because they like how they sound, which is fine. But be honest, don't say it's for safety.
A like it a little bit loud, but actually my CBR is really loud and I find it quite annoying but in traffic I've never had anyone to try to merge into me like I have on my whisper quiet FZ6R.

I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind, but I have noticed a huge difference in each of bikes and I ride both bikes the same. So my opinion is based on personal experience and not some South Park episode. :thumbup:
