FZ6R Sightings

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Spotted a Raven sporting no decals as I was riding along Sussex in Ottawa just after lunch. Thought to myself "nice bike", waved, and kept on motoring.
Being in the Ft.Lauderdale/Miami area, I have yet to see another 6r owned by anyone. (Although, I get compliments by many) I was even at one of the local superstores recently and a salesman asked "Man, how does she ride? We haven't sold any here, but yours is a bute!"

I'd actually love to get together with someone local for a ride sometime... ANYONE?
Spotted a white one today. I was leaving a Yamaha dealership in OKC as they pulled in. Unfortunately the poor thing was in the back of a pickup :(
Saw Raven (looked like 2009) in Redmond, WA. Around 4:30 PM taking 520 westbound on-ramp off 40th street.

Rider had a white helmet with red elements.
Saw a yellow one when I was on vacation in Virginia Beach a couple of weeks ago... just rolled on past; my friends thought someone had stole my bike... I think that's only the 3rd time in the past year I've seen another FZ6R on the road!
I've been out just about every day rain, shine or lightning for the past year going everywhere from San Diego to Thousand Oaks to Big Bear. I have not seen one. Any group rides coming up?
I've been out just about every day rain, shine or lightning for the past year going everywhere from San Diego to Thousand Oaks to Big Bear. I have not seen one. Any group rides coming up?

I've ridden almost every day these past couple years and have only ever seen 3 6r's who's owners I didn't know.
