Did u do it?


New Member
I'm getting married Saturday the the 28th. This year went by so fast!
We are doing the the garter removal and the song we are gonna use is "can't touch this" by mc hammer. I need some ideas. Did u remove the garter? What did u do? Don't want my grandparents to be offended either!


New Member
I'm getting married Saturday the the 28th. This year went by so fast!
We are doing the the garter removal and the song we are gonna use is "can't touch this" by mc hammer. I need some ideas. Did u remove the garter? What did u do? Don't want my grandparents to be offended either!

My suggestion is don't get married at all LOL. next thing you know you will have to sell your bike!
To be honest I can't even remember what the hell I did, the ceremony goes by so fast and ours was on a yacht and it was hot as hell so it was all kind of a blur.


waiting out winter
Elite Member


New Member
Congratulations! I got married back in June. It is really a blur!!! Hopefully her garter isn't too high on her thigh! ;-). Or you could just tell your grandparents to face the corner when that time comes haha!


Well-Known Member
Go for it!
Dont worry about offending your grandparents, they have had more time on this planet to embarrass themselves -it is your turn now:p

I cant remember much at all about my wedding day and that was only 12 years ago!
(except for the Force 10 slap across the face from my wife's Uncle as a Bulgarian 'wlecome to the Family')
Enjoy the day and CONGRATULATIONS!


New Member


Staff member
We did the whole garter removal at our wedding, except they blind folded me. They spun me around a time or two and let me at "her." While spinning, my wife stepped out and her grandmother stepped in!! Very thankful I didn't get overly frisky while removing the garter!! :eek::eek:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Enjoy the day! It will fly by so enjoy every single minute. My hubby was seriously ill when we got married 21yrs ago. He was allowed out of hospital to get married and had to go back in the next day. But it was even more special under the circumstances. But do what you and your Mrs want to do....while being respectful. Its your day! Congrats to you both!!

deceptive gt

New Member
I think the garter removal is one of those free passes. Remember, there was a time when your grandparents were buckwild. Hvae fun and enjoy it.

As far as marriage itself, I have been married for three years t my wife. I had a first marriage that was a disaster. My wife now is awesome. I have a car project, just bought my first bike, and loves that I hunt and fish. Allow her to enjoy her free time and her friends and hobbies and she will do the same.

With the right woman, it is a great thing.


New Member
congratulations. we went to the justice of the peace so no garter or anything like that. but we will have 22 years come december

Pinarello Rider

New Member
We did justice of the peace as well - coming up on 14 years. Love her more and more every day.

We chose not to do the garter - we thought is was a "traditional" with little meaning or significance for the two of us. We also didn't do a bouquet, because it didn't work for us. We figured, it's our wedding, so we're going to do it the way we wanted. I decided to "walk down the aisle" - I really dislike the way the groom and his party sneak into the front of the church at Catholic weddings (I was raised Catholic, so that was what I know). So I had my mom AND my dad walk me down the aisle. Our ceremony was spiritual without being religious, and we had readings from the Bible and all that. Pretty straight forward - done is 15 minutes. Then we had a great party, and it's gotten better and better ever since. I'm a lucky guy!


New Member
Congrats man, I'd say go all out, getting crazy at weddings is accepted practice I believe.

We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary today!!
