6r, ninja 650, monster 696, street triple, f800

Almost makes me wish I'd shopped around a bit more. Honestly, the 6R was a bit of an impulse buy for me. Not one I regret, but I do find myself wishing I'd spent a little more time researching it first.
gave a great review of the fz6r. Not really fair bike comparison from price range spread only comparables are the kawi and the fz.....the others arent the same demographic type bike IMO.
Motorcycle-USA usually has pretty good reviews. It looks like the FZ6R did pretty well comparatively.
IMO it doesn't matter how much more you look around or research before you buy your bike . . if it's your FIRST bike. Until you've ridden for a couple of years, and had a chance to ride a few different styles of bikes, you don't really know what kind of riding you enjoy most . . and that makes it almost impossible to pick the best bike for YOU. Add the fact that your riding style and preferences will continue to change over time and your 'perfect' bike is not likely to stay perfect for YOU. Hmmm, come to think of it, this could apply to more than just bikes.
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Well, the Fizzer isn't my first bike. I *did* look around. And, frankly, if you ask 100 different people, they'll give you 100 different priorities for what they want to get out of a bike.

While pull is important to me, in passing, merging, etc., the FZ6R delivers, even if I don't give a crap what it's 0-60 specs are, or what it can do in the 1/4 mile.

Fun is important to me, and I believe it corners as well as any of the competition, with excellent grip and handling and does include simple rear suspension adjustment (which I've taken advantage of).

Mileage is important to me (size of tank/mpg), and the FZ6R seems to fare pretty well in its power class.

Aesthetics is secondary to me, but I think it's a damned good looking bike.

"Objective" doesn't mean goose sh!t to me, since everyone's objectivity is subjective when it comes to bike preference and priorities.

High end speed is irrelevant to me, since I didn't buy the bike as a track machine. I've done 115mph on mine. I have NO need to drive that fast (I just did it to see if I could scare the crap out of myself). So, I really don't care what the high end horses can do.

Maintenance is important to me, and I can easily maintain this bike, and it's service intervals are well spaced.

Price/insurance is important to me, and this bike was well within my means in both categories (the Street Triple, not so much -- I *did* look at that bike).

I didn't see most of those above considerations addressed in this shootout. Therefore, the shootout, to me, is irrelevant.

In my business, we have multiple vendors that run benchmarks to prove their own product lines. Unfortunately, we've learned that everyone tunes their own benchmarks to favor their own equipment, and everyone has their own angle on it. So, they've come to be meaningless to the customer base (just like this shootout), who ultimately runs their own Proof of Concept (in house test ride... like we'd do on a demo days).

So, bottom line, I'm *extremely* happy with the FZ6R, for what I want it to do for me today...
In a year those priorities may change... I may want to race, or tour more, or do off-road. I don't know. But, for me, the FZ6R was the right choice... and after a few months on it, that choice has been confirmed over and over...

It's a great bike...
I don't regret purchasing the FZ6R at all, and I'm not sure I'd make a different decision now, after owning it for a couple of years. It was inexpensive, comfortable, cheap to insure, with lot's of power to make it fun. No, it's not as powerful as a SS, but the power is smooth and very useable. I spent $300 upgrading the suspension to make it perfect for me, $50 on a lower FZ1 handlebar, $100 on a Puig windscreen, $60 on Rizoma racing pegs, adjusted the risers forward, and the bike is now perfect for me. I rode a R6 on the track last summer, and then took the FZ6R to the track this summer and I have to say I enjoyed the track day with the FZ6R more. I wasn't running a race, but I was pushing the bike to it's limits and the tires were the only limitation I noticed. A new set of Diablo Rosso II's will fix that. It's not as powerful as an R6, but it was a lot easier and more fun in the turns with the smooth, linear power delivery.

Maybe I'm getting old (not maybe), but the fun:cost ratio with the FX6R is unbeatable, in my opinion, and it'll get you into deep trouble if that's what you're looking for.
BKP, no need to be defensive. No one is knocking your choice, especially on this forum. But I'll disagree with you on a couple of points. First of all this article wasn't geared toward you, unless you're a new female rider, so just becuase it's meaningless to you doesn't change the fact that it's not for you and obviously wasn't intended to apply to you. Secondly, this shootout is different from your vendor's benchmarks in one significant way: it's an independant company (or magazine), which is hopefully unbiased, rating bikes from several different manufacurers. Not Ducati or Triumph comparing their bike to the competition, then posting how their bike is better.

Owning two of the bikes in this shootout, I'd say their analysis is pretty spot on as far as those two are concerned.

So bottom line is, you're taking issue with an article that wasn't geared towards you and doesn't apply to you.
No, I wasn't taking it defensively... it was much more of a head-shaking resignation to an industry approach in general on how bikes are ranked.

The class of bike that was tested are not racing bikes. They're not supersports. So, why all the attention to dyno HP, upper end, 0-60, 1/4 mile timings?

So, to your point, this article was supposedly geared to women, for a mid-sized sport bike... Not a racing supersport with ergos that would make a pretzel uncomfortable. Most women entering the sport, are looking for a comfortable sport tourer (which most certainly *is* the class these bikes represent) don't care about 1/4 mile speeds. They don't care about "engine character."
They *do* care about braking. They *do* care about mileage. They *do* care about costs. They *do* care about handling. They *do* care about forgivability (I occasionally conjugate my own words... ). And, they *do* care about comfort. These are categories the Yami excelled in, but apparently didn't carry much weight.

Oh, and I *do* agree with a few others... the only comparable bikes here were the Kawi and Yami to begin with...

Bottom line, the four industry-jaded test riders in this article are certainly *not* "most women getting into the sport." So, who is to say *whom* the article is geared towards.

And, finally, it may very well *have* been an independent 3rd party doing the "testing." However, that independent 3rd party seemingly uses the same ranking and weighting criteria as every vendor, and every *other* 3rd party "independent" entity in the motorcycle industry...

Just sayin'...
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Don't get me wrong, the 6R is a great all around bike. But the best thing going on for the 6R is the Forum and all the great members here.

Cheers! :iconbeer:
+1 on that sentiment!
