his gf is cheating


New Member
Well the titles says it and i dont know what to do. I am getting married this september and all of these people are in my wedding. Here it is. ive known Brian for 12 years.since highschool. I am 25. He has been with Amy since 2006.Ive been working with Brian since 2005. I work next to him all day! Josh is my riding buddy. Only person i ride with on the regular. Ive only been good friends with Josh since about 2009. I just foound out that Amy and Josh have something going on.:spank: what do i do??????? brian is an *** to his gf she doesnt desever it but it doesnt give her the right to cheat on him. and josh,,,,,he goes over there with us on the weekends! when i found this out I almost felt like i was being cheated on. my stomach hurt! A few things ive been thinking about
-afraid to tell brian. what will he do?
-lose josh as a friend?
-lose brian as a friend because i didnt tell him and he finds out i knew???
-my fiance nicole looses amy as a friend?
-brian goes crazy and looses job? id be screwed if that happend!
-whats gonna happen to the bridal party?

Thank you for any input
it is very hard! i am being selfish not telling him and trying to keep josh as a friend. it is in my personality to stay out of it and see what happens but the hardest part is working with brian everyday.
No matter how you slice it, it's going to be a disaster when this all comes crashing down. Try to be as far from the fallout as your can be. You should rig it so that they find out on their own and your involvement is hidden. Just sort of "help" the situation along.
Wow so josh is banging brians gf fully knowing them 2 are an item and yet he obviously values pussy more then friendship. Tell u what if she is doing that within the circle she probably done worse outside the circle. Thise 2 deserve each other but brian needs to beat dudes *** and cut that skank off.
yea I was a little confused as to who was getting married.

so are you getting married and all of the best men and brides are sleeping with each other ??? then yea maybe let it play out. with most relationships things either escalate or die fast.

lol yea im getting married and this is whats happening 4 months before. ive thought about how i could help this situation along. brian is going to flip out no matter what. i think the fish tank at their house is going down
Are you 100% certain that there is cheating going on? Or assuming?

me josh and my other buddy justin who is in the wedding as well hang out all the time. justin and i have talked to eachother aboutjosh and amy flirting a litttle when we go over brian and amys. the other day Justin brought it up to Josh and Josh admitted it to justin. justin told me.justin asked him what they did and he replied with made out and some other stuff. when asked the big Q ..... he didnt answer.
maybe i missed it, how did you find out?
You deserve rep lmfao

Yeah I'm old school with that kind of stuff. I value a good woman but I also value a good friend, once u cross that line all bets are off
