his gf is cheating

lol. For once I agree with Milton. hahaha. Sorry. x.X
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I can definetly agree with one of Anthony's ideas. Tell your fiancée.
2 reasons:
let her deal with it.
If you don't tell her and she finds out you knew, she will think that you condone it, and she may question your loyalty to her in the future. Whether there's merit to thought process or not.
I normally don't say much on the forum, but here is my $.02. One thing that seems to be getting passed over is that Brian is an a** to Amy. She may be too afraid to break up with him,(how does he treat her poorly?) and is finding better treatment from Josh. Naturally she would go to someone else who doesn't treat her that way. That doesn't excuse cheating, but it is hard to feel sorry for Brian. And from Josh's point of view he may be rescuing someone who needs help from a crappy boyfriend.

You should start out by telling Amy & Josh to come clean and be mature about it. If she is not happy with Brian then don't stay with him. If not, you as Brian's friend should say something. Not saying anything is like having your friend watch someone steal your bike, but not do or say anything because he does not want to become involved. You would have a hard time calling him a friend.

After that Brian should have a good talking to about how not to treat girlfriends like s***. Especially if he ever wants to stay in a healthy long term relationship. Again if your friend is an a** he should be told so. If he stops being your friend, than he was not a good friend to begin with.

Hopefully the mature friends will at least be there for your wedding no matter how it turns out. Those who can't suck it up for at least one day for someone else, are probably not the greatest of friends. To me that is a good friend

Josh came over last night and we confronted him. Today he is talking to Amy about Nicole Justin and I knowing the secret. After a really long talk about EVERYTHING he doesn't agree that Brian needs to know. He wants to talk to Amy about what's going to happen. I said well what if she doesn't leave him for u? Brian's just never going to know? I said that he needs to know his gf has been cheating. U can't have 4 close friends know about this and not say anything. He doesn't like Brian. He said he needs to go. Josh is going to keep persuing Amy. He wants her. We will see what Amy does today when josh talks to her today but whatever it is I needs to be done now! Because I feel guilty for working with the man! I would want to know!! If Brian knew something and didn't tell me. I'd be pissed. So I told josh to get on this now
ack... imo, u really, really should not have allowed it to be about "u knowing the secret" etc. their drama has nothing to do with u, and by putting urself in the confrontation position, u've now just gone from being a "bystander friend" to "nosey, meddling participant" in both the cover up & the drama.

ur friend will not like that u kept the secret from him for this long and secretly harbor resentment towards u- regardless of how "ok" he seems about it in front of u. and the cheater friend will hate u for ratting him out.

as a friend to both sides, u simply have moral issues & feel stuck in the middle. and, honestly a simple, anonymous note or email to all parties involved or something would've been much cleaner. then just act surprised.

Just my .02....
ack... imo, u really, really should not have allowed it to be about "u knowing the secret" etc. their drama has nothing to do with u, and by putting urself in the confrontation position, u've now just gone from being a "bystander friend" to "nosey, meddling participant" in both the cover up & the drama.

ur friend will not like that u kept the secret from him for this long and secretly harbor resentment towards u- regardless of how "ok" he seems about it in front of u. and the cheater friend will hate u for ratting him out.

as a friend to both sides, u simply have moral issues & feel stuck in the middle. and, honestly a simple, anonymous note or email to all parties involved or something would've been much cleaner. then just act surprised.

Just my .02....

Well he is "All In" now so let the drama begin!
All I know is I wish someone would have given me a heads up when my best friends brother was with my first wife at night when I was working. That way I could have gotten off a couple more rounds before they ran out of the house. :eek:
ack... imo, u really, really should not have allowed it to be about "u knowing the secret" etc. their drama has nothing to do with u, and by putting urself in the confrontation position, u've now just gone from being a "bystander friend" to "nosey, meddling participant" in both the cover up & the drama.

ur friend will not like that u kept the secret from him for this long and secretly harbor resentment towards u- regardless of how "ok" he seems about it in front of u. and the cheater friend will hate u for ratting him out.

as a friend to both sides, u simply have moral issues & feel stuck in the middle. and, honestly a simple, anonymous note or email to all parties involved or something would've been much cleaner. then just act surprised.

Just my .02....

I wish I didn't find out and I wish he would find out on his own. But I was told so now I'm in the middle. The talk last night was to tell josh to handle it how he needs too. But it has to be done now because now people know.i didn't want anything to do with this. But the news was givin.
Im pretty surprised how many people would just ignore something like this... :confused:

I see my friends as my family. If I knew my brothers wife was cheating on him, damn right I am going to tell him. If one of my friends knew my wife was cheating on me and said nothing, guess what? They would no longer be my friend if I found out. If you did come and tell me, I would have twice as much respect for you.
True that. But, his friend is unkind to his GF and already has relationship problems.

My thinking is that it's good to always try to do the right thing consistently and in a timely fashion.

That said, if u consider someone a true friend, then u don't wait until like months go by sitting on this type of sensitive information and then out of guilt & fear suddenly decide to say something about it finally- only b'cuz u r afraid it'll ruin ur own wedding. lol...

Am not doggin or anything, but am just putting some perspective on it. Black & white, right & wrong. It's pretty clear cut usually, and it only gets worse when u wait.
I walked in on my cousins GF cheating while looking for him. Went straight to his job and told him. Drove him home to deal with it and back him up. Threw them both out on the street and we've been tighter ever since.
I've been in those situation back in the days. Stay out of it and play dumb... Or maybe you could corner Amy and black mail her saying: "If I don't get a BJ I will tell everything" LOL

No just joking... but really good idea hey? LOL

Stay out of it. Maybe she just want to hit it hard before committing. I did stupid thing with girlfriends back in my days too. That's the difference between being married and have a girlfriend... different kind of commitments.

Best advice in this thread

I walked in on my cousins GF cheating while looking for him. Went straight to his job and told him. Drove him home to deal with it and back him up. Threw them both out on the street and we've been tighter ever since.

Don't know if switchin' teams is the answer.:eek:
