Got pulled over...


New Member
So I was very fortunate tonight, to run across one of the most cool cops ever.

Backround story:
Just filled up the bike at the gas station
Hot little piece of talent kept staring at me at the gas station
I felt good about myself and the bike
I turned on my ipod and started jammin out on my way home
Hit a swarm of nasty bugs(night time so I had my visor up)
Decided to tuck into the wind screen and wasnt watching speed(my fault)

So Im cruisin....and I see the cop in the opposite lane....I think to myself oh shit....look at my speed and shows 70....I know I am in a construction zone...(MN the fines double)....I keep watching my mirrors and dont see him coming...."Phwew right?"....not a chance lol kept on cruising and the cop followed me for a long time trying to get back through the traffic to pull me over

I was nervous, and couldnt get the bike in neautral lol
Told me to just turn the bike off
Tagged me doing 73 in a 55. Asked me my driving record and I explained it to him honestly. He gave me a warning.

I couldnt have gotten any more lucky because this would have been:

Reckless driving
Speeding 15+ over the limit
Construction zone infraction

would have probably cost me about $800.....

I am so thankful. Its a reminder to me to watch my speed, and also a reminder to all of you, please watch your speed guys, I know its fun to go fast(I do all the time), but this was a nice wakeup call to watch my speed to stay safe.

here is a vid of the from about the 1:00 point on.....I increased the volume so you can here the officer speak. I did speed up the pace of the vid.

[ame=]Getting Pulled Over - YouTube[/ame]
wow man luckyyyy. Cop got me 72 in a 55 like three months ago but luckily i was in my work uniform and had my duty belt beside me so he let me off with a warning. So what have we learned from this. dont speed :p and dont try to impress the women haha
Oh come on C.C.....All you did was mention that you knew "The Rook" and all went well!!!!:bsflag: Laurie
I've never seen a warning given in a construction zone in MO. You were very fortunate. Fines doubled here also.
Glad you didn't get any tickets, I've passed a few cops going a little faster than I should but I try not to give them the chance to catch up with me-don't know if they've ever turned around but I wasn't about to slow down to find out. Didn't gun it or anything, just bumped it up another 5-10mph and took the first exit/turn I came to.
You're very lucky. I got a ticket for using my phone in a construction zone. I was trying to call my boss and he didn't even answer and I literally had the phone to my ear for 10 seconds and still got a ticket.
Come on, CC! You've got a YELLOW FZ6R! I would think you'd be used to the women checking it out by now! And now you've got the matching gear and all??!! Face it man, your a chick magnet. You're going to have to learn to live with it. :p

I didn't even know the Yellow could actually go faster then a scooter... He must have modded that engine up something good.
Whew!! Lucky!!

Dont forget that that would have been endangerment and then mandatory court appearance. 15+ = endangerment.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

Is the 15+ rule concrete in MN? Here in Indiana it is subject to the situation and the officer's judgement.
I didn't even know the Yellow could actually go faster then a scooter... He must have modded that engine up something good.

why do you have a mushroom stamp on your forehead? :iconbeer:
Is the 15+ rule concrete in MN? Here in Indiana it is subject to the situation and the officer's judgement.

No its not, they have the choice to give you endangerment if they choose to, or they can just give you the speeding ticket.
You should turn your camera off when the cop walked up. I a lot of states you can not tape the police. You will get it a lot of troble for it.
