Pickup driver tries to kill motorcyclist.


New Member
The swerve towards the motorcycle during the pass would have to be proven beyond a doubt that his intention was to hit the motorcyclist in order to convict him on attempted vehicular assault or anything like that. Since he didn't hit the biker, the jury would not have a good case to convict as no one knows the intention and the thoughts of the truck driver at that moment in time. Reasonable doubt got OJ off....

Good point on getting out of the truck with a weapon as I missed that. It was after the fact though and he can always claim it was 2 (or more) on one and he was protecting himself.

Just remember that a jury cannot convict someone on intent if the prosecution cannot prove the intent. Reading minds is not allowed in court nor is conjecture and innuendo. It appears that the truck driver swerves at the biker but can you prove his intent was to hit the biker?

Oj also had alot of money. I still think hed be convicted without a doubt. Im not talkign about swerving to hit the guy who was passing and that initiated the chase, but all the other innocent bystandards when he is driving in the left lane consistently. And the likely hood of a good lawyer not being able to get him to admit his intent after being subject to viewing the video, is pretty slim. Especially the fact he got out of his truck with a weapon, was that like a friendly hey let me take the dents out of your face with my crow bar? lol


New Member
Oj also had alot of money. I still think hed be convicted without a doubt. Im not talkign about swerving to hit the guy who was passing and that initiated the chase, but all the other innocent bystandards when he is driving in the left lane consistently. And the likely hood of a good lawyer not being able to get him to admit his intent after being subject to viewing the video, is pretty slim. Especially the fact he got out of his truck with a weapon, was that like a friendly hey let me take the dents out of your face with my crow bar? lol

LOL....ya I need some serious acne scar work dude..hit me with that healing wand...LOL:D

I find the jury pools and Judge's instructions these days tend to be so liberal as to be almost impossible to get these neanderthals convicted and off the roads.
Maybe putting that crowbar where the sun don't shine would have corrected his faulty thinking. I tend to kick ass first and not wait for weak justice.
Jus sayin....


New Member
So do I...ive been lucky twice and didnt get in trouble legally for it, but I did have to testify

One a guy was shoplifting from cub foods and the secret shopped tried stopping him outside. The guy smoked the security guard in the fact with brass knuckles. I took him down, disarmed him, and then proceeded to detain him.

The second one...a guy tried pulling a girl out of the car by her hair at bar close to s. assault her ....Needless to say 15 minutes later, a pool of blood, a broken nose, jaw, and cracked eye socket....I and My buddy gave statements and left. The guy once he came to started assaulting a paramedic. He was on a lethal dose of meth. All those injuries to him and he felt nothing.
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New Member
I think we all need to look at it from both points of view. Let’s look at the truck. Clearly an anger problem. Wonder why he’s angry? This “back country road that all bikers like to ride” clearly is not just in the country. I see a pass through a small town (cars all on the side of the road), farms and houses along the way. The bikers? Douche bags. This is someone’s neighborhood. They were clearly grinding the pegs and having a good ol’ time. I’m guessing the truck driver lives in that area and is tired of constant 90 mph sport bike guys flying by his house every weekend. My bet is, everyone that lives there has a great hatred for sport bike riders. All of them. We can only blame the few that give the rest of us bad names. Pisses me off, because one of the main reasons I didn’t want to move from a cruiser to my FZ6R, was because I didn’t want to be associated with Jack-Holes. Might only be 15% of us, but that’s all it takes.

Now what the truck did was unacceptable. Period. There isn’t anything I could justify as a reason for his actions. But I can see his anger because I’ve been there too as people fly by my house at 2x the speed limit. And I would guess his mind-set wasn’t to kill him, but to stop the douche from passing him, fed up with sport bike riders lack of respect for HIS neighborhood. When you are angry, you do stupid things not thinking of the ramifications. That would be what he would say in court and odd are he would get a reckless endangerment or reckless driving citation. The biker would probably get the ticket for passing in a no-passing zone.

People on sport bikes need to be reminded that they represent ALL of us when you are out there. When you cut in-and-out of traffic, pop wheelies on the freeway and speed down country roads that people live on, you taint us all. When I was 16, I used to do some stupid things in my car and my bike, things now I regret, big time. There is no doubt that I gave riders a real bad name. I’ll blame youth on that one, but after a point, you have to stop acting like an adolescent.

Ticket the truck, counsel the riders on respecting the road and the people that live on it.


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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New Member
I added to my above post

See red

New Member
The swerve towards the motorcycle during the pass would have to be proven beyond a doubt that his intention was to hit the motorcyclist in order to convict him on attempted vehicular assault or anything like that. Since he didn't hit the biker, the jury would not have a good case to convict as no one knows the intention and the thoughts of the truck driver at that moment in time. Reasonable doubt got OJ off....

Good point on getting out of the truck with a weapon as I missed that. It was after the fact though and he can always claim it was 2 (or more) on one and he was protecting himself.

Just remember that a jury cannot convict someone on intent if the prosecution cannot prove the intent. Reading minds is not allowed in court nor is conjecture and innuendo. It appears that the truck driver swerves at the biker but can you prove his intent was to hit the biker?

Prove...... he didn't sneeze, or lean to far when he farted, for that matter maybe he accindentily spilled his coffee, got burned, the bike scared him from behind, he was running for the safety of his 4 wheeler........ prove me wrong..... only proof...... plus in Illinios, video evidence is not allowed, only closed circuit, with the exception that you want to say some one may or may not have been at said place.

a-hole????? yes.... deserves his nuts put in a vise, sure, bbut nothing gonna happen, both get a ticket for stupid vs. stupid.



New Member
You got the game plan there See red...This is how it plays out in courts all across America. Any reasonable (or unreasonable) doubt will be shoved in the jury's throat for them to choke on and the jury rarely convicts.

I think the bikers should have just continued on and left him behind and learned to be more careful when passing a redneck truck. The only other option if they really wanted to keep him off the road would have been to pop 2 tires with a knife through the sidewall and leave. Not sure about Kentucky but in CA as long as the damage is under 800.00 it's just a misdemeanor vandalism and not felony vandalism. 2 tires are under 800.00 and he won't have 2 spares....LOL..I doubt he had one....

Let him call the Police and tell them he was just minding his own business like a choir boy driving the speed limit when these big mean sport bikers attacked his truck. Ya sure, that's the ticket and my wife is Morgan Fairchild.
The Police will know he's full of it and I doubt they will put any priority on it either.

Oh and if he tried to hit them with the crowbar, all bets are off and he's fair game to damage all they want. Self defense in response to assault with a deadly weapon leaves you lots of lattitude....

Prove...... he didn't sneeze, or lean to far when he farted, for that matter maybe he accindentily spilled his coffee, got burned, the bike scared him from behind, he was running for the safety of his 4 wheeler........ prove me wrong..... only proof...... plus in Illinios, video evidence is not allowed, only closed circuit, with the exception that you want to say some one may or may not have been at said place.

a-hole????? yes.... deserves his nuts put in a vise, sure, bbut nothing gonna happen, both get a ticket for stupid vs. stupid.

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See red

New Member
Lmao!!! Yep, they would have been LUCKY if he took that swing. 2 on one, plus they had helmets on, PLUS, they had armored gear.... or driving like that they SHOULD have.
id of chased that fucker down and hit him until one of us wasnt moving anymore, that is damn right rediculous:mad: fault on both sides, but a minor infraction vs attempted vehicular manslaughter


Sentient Being
Elite Member


New Member
id of chased that fucker down and hit him until one of us wasnt moving anymore, that is damn right rediculous:mad: fault on both sides, but a minor infraction vs attempted vehicular manslaughter

2 years in prison is not bad considering you don't have to fight charges for beating him up. Of course here in CA 2 years could be a lot less due to jail overcrowding.
Justice was served.....not everybody liked the recipe but at least it's edible so to speak.


New Member
Seems like a small slap on the wrist for what this guy did. His stupid action could easily of killed the motorcyclist. I'm just glad no one was hurt and this guy was caught.

leprecaun jon

Elite Member

leprecaun jon

Elite Member


New Member
I am so so sorry to hear of you terrible loss Jon. I don't know what this country is coming to with it's soft on violent criminals sentencing. I can't understand how that happened in your case.


New Member
If there is no deterrent to crime, the number of criminal acts committed will soar.

Stricter sentencing guidelines means longer sentences with more time served behind bars and that equates to a lot more money spent on the criminals incarceration. It appears to be a budgetary issue that reduces the sentences or drops jail time in the name of justice in order to save money.

It isn't fair, just or right but it is the way it is.

Sorry for your loss Jon


Cynical Member
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leprecaun jon

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