Post pictures of your keychains!

This is it....
lol I ran with just the key but friends say I better put something on it since I might lose it and I did, luckily I found it.

Another thing is that if you have other keys or sharp objects on it it could scratch the triple tree.
freebie! :p
well, mine's a bit fancier... just so I don't forget who I am:

Nice! I bet your underwear have your name on the band too! :p
Here are some of the cooler ones I've found off of R6 forum.

First one is the "Euro/Canadian" key, apparently they have the main key, spare key and master key (red). Looks fancier than the US keys.

The Second pictures are people who had broken philips and flat heads and so they heated the rubber and stuck the key in. "Looks like I stole the bike" is one comment a guy got.

Third is just a key cover the guy got when he was in japan at a toy factory.
Cool, I just found Vitrox's write up on the Graves AIS block offs. Looks fun!

Just got home and it was waiting on the counter for me. :steve:

Hopefully I can get all the work done this weekend and put up some reviews.
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something like this. i connected my bike key to the rest of my keys and detach it when i'm ready to ride.


  • Separator_Key_Chain_12549.jpg
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Sorry it's so huge!!.... I didn't know it was that big after resizing it on photobucket haha
