What Not To Wear (while riding)

Do people really think that long sleeve t-shirts or even sweatshirts will protect at all? Might as well in in a short sleeve shirt if that's all you're going to wear.
Maybe they don't want to get sunburned... :shakehead:
What about those Kevlar hooded sweatshirts? Maybe they have some kind of protection.
We've had some VERY hot weather the last week. 100ºF+ in the east county. My house was 108º Saturday when I got home from leading a group ride In Full Leathers! :eek: But the heat really flushed out the calamari on the roads we were on. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem like most of them were on Palomar or Highway 94. Not a whole lot to post form this weekend compared to what we saw on other roads. But as usual, there's a handful of those who think they're invincible. :rolleyes:

This one is just confusing.


For real!? The bike says YAMAHA right on the bottom of the fairing...
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Another from me :eek:
I could go on a ride with them as long as I can keep up...

Looks like they're riding the same gixxer I have...

When I put a chick up there nakked - I don't think y'all will be complaining ;)
Wasn't sure if this picture belongs in the "Does The Gear Match The Bike" thread... or this one... but I figured you'd all prefer it here... :p

I added an accessory to my riding gear, and it matches PERFECTLY!! :cheer:


Damn girl, you got the Yamaha love jacket that I want too!!!!!

*Note to self, don't ride down to the windy city... nothin worse than showing up at a party and finding out someone is wearing the same dress*

j/k :):D
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^ because of their riding formation or being geared up? :head scratch:
ah, i c... good points. need to keep properly-spaced, staggered riding formation to be safe. :)
So I shouldn't put this on my helmet?


or this?

