What Not To Wear (while riding)

I'm visiting Phoenix AZ this weekend, and I saw a rider on a sport bike in a t-shirt, jeans, sunglasses, and no helmet on the freeway... I later saw a 149cc moped rider- also no helmets... Then saw a motorcycle cop, wearing a helmet but short-sleeved uniform... All went by before I could snap any photos...

Turns out there are no helmet laws in the state of Arizona... Weird huh?
Guess so... I saw a lotta bikes, and nearly all of them were way, completely under-dressed for riding... I only saw 1 guy in full gear riding a BMW sport touring bike...
Guess that orange guy didn't get the memo about helmet hawks.:thumbdown:


Yeah...but he did do a good job matching the color to the bike and also the mirrored/chrome screens on his helmet and bike. :rolleyes:
I hope these people signed their organ donor cards.
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I just went through Tail of the Dragon today to see it and every sportbike and touring rider i saw had full leathers and armor with helmet on, it surprised me how many crusiers had it all on, but there were still many that were just a leather vest and skull cap.
How hard is it for him to move over to the right side of the lane and wave the others on by?!? Just common courtesy.
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I'd say that from the pictures I've seen, it wouldn't be that easy... and, even if this guy were in front of you and waved you by, in a turn, would you risk it?

Mind you, it's not him being an @ss for going his pace, it's the guy behind being an @ss for riding so far up on him. (was that Steven Wright? something about the person in front of you is going to slow, and the person behind is tailgating)

Never know, he may have waved them by on a straightaway (if there are any of those on that road), just keep in mind a picture is one point in time.

Of course I wouldn't pass nor would I wave someone to pass me on a curve!! :disapprove: I'm not referring to the actual place in time the picture was taken for him to pull over there. Sure, he could have waved them by up the road, but he could have also been riding way too slow for the last 5 miles pissing everyone off...we don't know. We can both make all kinds of assumptions based on this one snapshot.

I don't have a problem with his pace, but if it was me, I'd move over and let those douche-bags riding my a$$ get by...then I could enjoy my ride. :cool: That's all I'm saying.
