What Not To Wear (while riding)

^ good reminders... :)

riding single formation in a turn seems like the only safe way to do it. (it's also how they taught us at MSF.) but, then again, i have been looking at pix on motogp.com a lot lately. so, maybe that's y i initially forgot those 2 guys weren't on a race track... LOL my bad :p
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Well, here's my two cents on the subject.

First off, There is no way in hell, I am gonna throw on leathers on a 90+ degree day to ride down the street. Just tonite I went out in shorts, T-shirt sneakers, and a helmet, for an hour long jaunt. That's is one of my favorite things about riding a motorcycle, I call it freedom. Do you guys wear helmets and racing suits when you drive your car? It seems to me if you wreck your bike bad enough to do any real damage, there's a pretty good chance your gonna die of blunt force trauma anway, leathers or not. I actually laugh out loud when I see some guy riding his R6 or ninja or whatever in a full Moto GP race suit, Like he's gonna be draggin knees while he's going to the mall! That's my defintion of a squid.
I'm not tryin to stir anything up or offend anyone personally, but I feel rather strongly on the subject.
First off, There is no way in hell, I am gonna throw on leathers on a 90+ degree day to ride down the street. Just tonite I went out in shorts, T-shirt sneakers, and a helmet, for an hour long jaunt. That's is one of my favorite things about riding a motorcycle, I call it freedom. Do you guys wear helmets and racing suits when you drive your car? It seems to me if you wreck your bike bad enough to do any real damage, there's a pretty good chance your gonna die of blunt force trauma anway, leathers or not. I actually laugh out loud when I see some guy riding his R6 or ninja or whatever in a full Moto GP race suit, Like he's gonna be draggin knees while he's going to the mall! That's my defintion of a squid.
I'm not tryin to stir anything up or offend anyone personally, but I feel rather strongly on the subject.

I couldn't agree more. Enough said.
New here, but here's my take on the ATGATT thing: I believe people should be able to ride wearing whatever they like. I disagree with helmet laws as well. If you are an adult you should be free to make your own decisions. Period...

Having said that, if you are riding in jeans and think you are even the least bit protected, you are delusional. You may as well be wearing shorts (actually you may be better off in shorts as they won't have to pluck cotton fibers out of your wounds) because regular street jeans will disintigrate on impact even at low speeds. Had a friend pull a low-speed getoff on his 1000RR (sub 20 MPH)wearing jeans and his leg was thrashed. Think 2nd degree burns with asphalt emedded in the wound. In proper gear he would have simply walked away, instead he spent the night in the hospital getting his wounds scrubbed and treated. Said it made passing a kidney stone feel like getting a massage in comparison.

Am I a hypocrite? Yeah, I'll throw on jeans to run up to the store or shoot around the neighborhood if it's 95 degrees, but I understand the chance I'm taking and the consequences. Just don't want anyone under the delusion of safety in denim - because it doesn't exist...
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It seems to me if you wreck your bike bad enough to do any real damage, there's a pretty good chance your gonna die of blunt force trauma anway, leathers or not. I actually laugh out loud when I see some guy riding his R6 or ninja or whatever in a full Moto GP race suit, Like he's gonna be draggin knees while he's going to the mall! That's my defintion of a squid.
I'm not tryin to stir anything up or offend anyone personally, but I feel rather strongly on the subject.

Actually, you are quite wrong here. Leather, or other appropriate armored riding gear can be the difference between walking away from a relatively benign get-off and spending a week in the hospital having asphalt scrubbed from your road rash...
Actually, you are quite wrong here. Leather, or other appropriate armored riding gear can be the difference between walking away from a relatively benign get-off and spending a week in the hospital having asphalt scrubbed from your road rash...

... we already had a go round with this argument and for some reason all of our rebuttal facts are now missing, except his original post. Gear will save you absolutely for sure more than if you are not wearing it. That is painfully obvious. If you dont want to wear gear and ride like you are on a track we will make fun of your dumbass. If you cant take it, too bad. Wear gear, dont ride, or just shut up and stop making excuses and take it.

Keep up the pics Jon! Love seein them.
I think we all take chances one way or another eventually. Some of us certainly take larger and more frequent chances than others, but we all let our guard down from time to time. The real reason I'm weighing in on this thread, though, is not to preach, brag about how much or little gear I wear, etc... I just had to crack a joke about these helmets that only protect your hairdo. "Broke my face, but my hair looks great!" Have at it if it's your style, but they scare the s**t out of me.
heres one for ya guys

How many times have you been driving down the road,
and you got passed by an asshole on a motorcycle?
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i saw a teenager pull up on a GSX-R at a local burger joint sunday around lunch hour yesterday. he was wearing a helmet, icon-field armor vest, short gloves, a short-sleeve t-shirt, jeans, and vans sneakers...

i had just finished my sunday am practice ride and was still sweaty from changing out of my leathers into my t-shirt and shorts. i still had creases all over my arms etc. from the suit... <lol> but, i drove over to go get food- since i don't use the 6R as transportation.

as we were in line, the (teenage) female cashier started flirting with him asking about where he was going and what the vest was for etc. he then proceeded to energetically explain how it's to "protect his spine" if he were to crash... he gave a brief demo of the vest and then finished the conversation by saying one of his good buddies went down in the same vest- shattered both his wrists, fractured both ankles/ feet, but his spine was A-ok cuz he was wearing the vest...

i was silently listening to this story and thinking- comforting to know he'll have no hands and feet anymore but a torso... lol

how could he get it, but then not really "get it?" lol... oh well. to each their own i suppose...
<lol> it was funny still tho... but, geez louise, what was she thinking? xP

heres one for ya guys

How many times have you been driving down the road,
and you got passed by an asshole on a motorcycle?
well the pic. got took off sorry bout that 99venguer just saw that. thought it kinda went with the thread and thought everyone would get a laugh out of that.
Yeah, we have had some other pics along those lines, but none ever showing detailed anatomy. It does go with the thread, but being that it was NSFW, I needed to remove it.
