Went to the Dr. this morning...

Congrats tatty!

How does it feel on the bike?
Thanks Bert!

I have no clue... Haven't been on the bike yet... Doc hasn't told me if I can yet, plus, we're rolling into Winter really quick here..

Surely you have snuck out and sat on her in the shed?...
Surely you have snuck out and sat on her in the shed?...

I have sat on her, but I try to limit that. Makes me sad just to sit on her..

Glad all is going well, plus you get the winter to fully recover and not re-injure it in a hurry to get out and ride.

Exactly, but damn, I really want to ride.

hopefully you fell like your old self soon enough

Better than my old self!! 6 weeks after surgery and I can move my arm further than before, even with the weak, sore muscles.
Great to hear Tatty!
Keep the rehab going, even after your official rehab finishes, continue them at home yourself.

I just had a scan this morning for my left shoulder to discover the tendons are all mashed internally, with an enlarged space between where my joint should be and the humerous.:thumbdown:
