Jay, I think I have come up with the perfect tattoo idea to encompass everything you like and that has "special" meaning for you. :D


No disrespect, brother. I'm just messing with ya!
Good luck with your tattoo! While I may not have any input on it, I thought it was cool that it had similar meaning to a picture I took this weekend. Take a look! :)

I like the idea. But looking at picture I fell like going through a rough path of life. I'll put one or just very few green leaf near the top of the tree just to put some life into it. Kind of meaning that even through very rough time, there's always hope for better outcome from bad moments.

And maybe it's just me, but I fell better with the tree on the left side...

Looking good, can't wait to see the final result. I like to help but I'm nothing of a artist...

Great idea. Have a couple fresh sprouts and 2 or 3 strong leaves. Even though there are bumps in the road, life goes on and things always get better. Love it. :thumbup: I think still black and white, but with just a hint of green color. Still not decided if I want some faint color in the sign or not yet.

I did like the tree on the other side a little better as well, but it just did not sit right with me since it made me have the sign on the opposite side of the road than it should be on. And I want the placement of the tree somewhat like in the picture posted above so the roots can be on my elbow side. It does not work for me with the tree on the inside of my arm.

This way all I have to do is switch the arm it will be on, left now in this case.

Thanks for all the help guys, you have given great ideas. Means a lot!

And love the pic 99 haha
I got ink too... I want another one on my back but my wife is totally against it! I'll keep working on it...lol

This is tough. I wanna to get 2 more.. My wife doesn't wanna, but since is gonna have something related to my kids she is down for it.
My other worry is the whole job thing... I know I can cover with long sleeve shirts, but summer gets fairly hot. I would be pretty upset if it came between me and a job. Not sure where else it would look good besides my arm. My wife really wants it there too. It seems she wants it visible while out in just a short sleeve shirt. Maybe just move it up a bit and not so low down by my elbow.
My other worry is the whole job thing... I know I can cover with long sleeve shirts, but summer gets fairly hot. I would be pretty upset if it came between me and a job. Not sure where else it would look good besides my arm. My wife really wants it there too. It seems she wants it visible while out in just a short sleeve shirt.

Best thing to do is ask your boss. Times have changed and tattoos are a not big deal anymore. You may ask him and he will high five you, turn around and show you his full back yakuza tattoo.

Best thing to do is ask your boss. Times have changed and tattoos are a not big deal anymore. You may ask him and he will high five you, turn around and show you his full back yakuza tattoo.

I know they would not care at my current job. Just not sure about down the road.
I know they would not care at my current job. Just not sure about down the road.

If you are really good in what you do, nobody would care how you look like.

I had a parts manager at a previous dealer that i worked he had his whole body tattooed. only hands, neck and face were clean.

It's all about having good sense. You wanna tattoo a devil raping a virgin within a background of flames and skulls dont do it on your forearm. Go for chest or back. You wanna tattoo a road with a tree and sign, I don't see any problems passing down the elbow.
Best piece of advice I have for you is, don't ask anyone here. Find yourself an excellent tattoo artist, whose style is in line with the sort of style you desire, and present your ideas to him (her) to design. Even if the ideal artists is in another state and you have to travel...worth it.

A top notch tattoo artist will design the art so it adapts best to a tattoo right off the bat. If you have someone here start drawing or photoshopping you'll fall in love with that and it might not make for a good tattoo. Then you get disappointed, and are forced to start compromising right before your appointment.

So before you start designing or seeking designs, find your ideal artist first. Let HIM tell you what can and can't be done. A top notch tattoo artist can work miracles. Fine details can look great if a top notch artist does the work, whereas a lesser artist might not be able to do it at all. Tattooing is NOT like drawing...totally different medium. One does not neccesarily translate to the other.

Buy some tat magazines, start searching the Googles etc. Me, I'd fly across the country for the perfect tattoo by the perfect artist. It's life long.

So IMO, you're going about it the wrong way. Come up with the concepts and basic mando design elements yourself, but for best results let the best artist whose style and vision inspires you translate your meaning into the perfect tat.

I agree, i am not looking to tattoo this specific drawing on me. I will be giving him my ideas of what i want represented in it. May look totally different... Meeting with him tomorrow but he is booked through June. I'm in no hurry and he is a top notch artist. Will be meeting another this weekend most likely. Will see what they both come up with.
I am going to sit on this for a little while. Really do not have the money at this very moment so I do not want to rush this and have money play a factor in it like Mike said. This way I can sit with the idea of what I want to really make sure this is definitely IT. Car will be payed off at the end of the year most likely so this should be happening by the beginning of next year some time. :cool: I still may have them draw something up one of these weekends. Then tape it to my desk and tv. Make sure I wont get tired of staring at it haha.
You could also try this site!

Its always a great idea to take your ideas to designers and check out what they come up with. About a couple of months ago, I was recommended to a site called Custom Tattoo Designs | CreateMyTattoo.com. I wanted to get something original with names of my four children on it. It turned out to be great fun actually.

Basically the concept is that you start a contest, describe what you need and the designers over there come up with their own versions of it. And, you pick what you feel is the best. More than 30 designers participated in my contest and I was actually spoilt for choice...lol. Had a tough time deciding which one to go for. Here's the link straight to the contest page. Good luck :)

Start a Tattoo Design Contest | CreateMyTattoo.com
Been talking around here and found a girl that does great work. She was really into the concept of the tattoo. It just felt "right" to me, talking to her. She is drawing me up a design and I have an appointment with her June 2nd. Will keep ya updated...
All done! Freaking love it. Came out exactly how I wanted it. We really emphasised the road sign as the 27 was the main meaning I wanted. 4 1/2 hours straight. Only (2) 5 minute breaks. Felt like a freaking belt sander haha. The collar bone and chest area hurt the worst. I love how it goes up and over my shoulder onto my chest. Sorry this is the only pic I snapped before she wrapped me all up. But I am 100% happy with it.

Its a hell of a FIRST tattoo!!!!



All done! Freaking love it. Came out exactly how I wanted it. We really emphasised the road sign as the 27 was the main meaning I wanted. 4 1/2 hours straight. Only (2) 5 minute breaks. Felt like a freaking belt sander haha. The collar bone and chest area hurt the worst. I love how it goes up and over my shoulder onto my chest. Sorry this is the only pic I snapped before she wrapped me all up. But I am 100% happy with it.

Its a hell of a FIRST tattoo!!!!



Damn that came out insanely good.
Jealous man. Really jealous haha
So are you gonna be like most and cant stop after the 1st?

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