

New Member
On the 4th on June @ 3am I totalled my 6r. I don't remember anything for about 5 hours before or after it happened. Apparently I had been drinking, something I haven't done for 6 months and never on a bike. I also had a passenger that I don't know, who was wearing my helmet and jacket. She is alright, just shaken up I guess. Bike was totalled, Progressive gave me 6985.25 for my 2010 with ~5,500mi that I got in Feb this year, which is more than I paid for her. I ended up with 45 stitches/staples above and around my right eye going back to the middle of my head, also suffered a concussion. Some minor road rash on knees, elbows, right shoulder and hip, and on my left shoulder blade.

I'm doing good now, supposed to go to back to work after the 29th, thank god for short-term disability. Just wanted to post this, basically a good bye. I guess I was out of Iowa and according to my probation I'm not allowed to leave the state without permission (or drink alcohol) so they are probably going to revoke my probation on Thursday and send me to prison.

I learned a lot from you guys (girls too) and will come back if/when I can.

Thanks for everything,



Elite Member


New Member
Wow. That's depressing... :(

Sorry about your bad luck, man. You'll pull through, though. Keep your chin up and I'm sure you'll be back on 2 wheels in no time.


New Member
Sorry to hear. Hope you recuperate soon. Live and learn.


Fastest Member
Elite Member


Seriously, i am no saint, but what where you thinking?? Not much i guess, nor was,, your passenger.
Now dont get me wrong, im glad you and your passenger are ok, but time for a reality check here!
I hope everthing works out for you, and i would hope you learn something from this experience!


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member


New Member
WOW I am glad that you and the passenger survived. But I have to agree with some of the posts above. What the heck were you thinking?? Well I guess that you did not think at all,,drinking and riding a motorcycle:spank:.


New Member
WOW I am glad that you and the passenger survived. But I have to agree with some of the posts above. What the heck were you thinking?? Well I guess that you did not think at all,,drinking and riding a motorcycle:spank:.

I'm not gonna repeat what everybody is saying about drink and drive, because you already know it was a bad idea.

Good luck, the "go to prison" part is really tough, can't even imagine.


Elite Member

Brock Kickass

New Member
Wow, what a night. I'm sensing from the details of your adventure (mostly total lack of memory, sober for six months) that there might be an underlying problem with alcohol here?
Whatever the reason, sounds like you f*%ed up pretty bad. That being said, I doubt you set out that morning to get blindingly drunk, violate your parole, wreck your bike, and risk a stranger's and your life.
I sincerely hope you are able to overcome whatever is causing you to behave like this. It is obvious that, underneath your mistakes, you are an smart, intelligent, and interesting individual (I am basing this entirely on the fact that you owned a 6R). Jokes aside, I hope that you can overcome whatever is happening in your life that caused you to do this.
Good on you for being able to admit your mistake. On most other forums, everyone and their mother would have been fighting over who gets to flame the snot out of you first. It shows the quality of people who posted before me so far. I have to wonder, though, if posting this in a public forum might affect your insurance settlement? I don't know what your coverage is like, but I wouldn't see a penny for my bike if I totaled it drunk.
Good luck to you. Sounds like the next little while for you is going to be pretty rough. I hope you come through it and see some sunshine on the other side of it.


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member

6R Blackout

New Member
I could get into a long story but for short, I had 3 DWI's never saw prison walls, the last one was when I was about 23. I am almost 35 now and long since sober, but I will tell you this, when my drinking finally stopped alot of my problems went away, though I have different problems now I don't think once to grab a drink cause I know it will make it worse. Anyway I hope you fair well with PO and glad your ok, one thing I can say and alot of people have said before me, keep your head up and you will get through this, REMEMBER THIS TOO SHALL PASS!! take care and I wish you well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!


Monster Member
Elite Member


New Member
This is why I have a 6 beer limit while I'm on the bike :zombie:


Elite Member


Elite Member
