To all those arguing about colors...


New Member
I only see two colors when we are talking about identifying this forum, or advertising for it. Yellow and black. Just saying.

(But that orange is damn sexy.)


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


Lord Humongous
Elite Member


Premium Member


New Member
Not true actually. They tried to get a good photo like that of the orange bikes for the banner, but they all turned out way too blurry to be of any use due to the bike going too fast. They had to settle for a yellow bike for the banner as the camera had no problems focusing on it.


Yeah, but ya'll are the yunguns on the block. We ravens have been rocking it old school since the start...

Jay S.

New Member
Fer real? Black and Gold...nuff said.

I guess I'll represent the Black and Gold riders. Which BTW, does like 214mph but we try to keep that to ourselves, until now.



New Member
I was eagerly awaiting the day this topic would turn into it's own thread.

OP I commend you for your silliness!:thumbup:

I'm sticking to my argument that Yamaha researched this heavily and came to the conclusion that Blue was the fastest. Hence, their pro bikes and teams rocking the "Team Blue".

If your not Blue--- your just not a team player. :rolleyes:



New Member
Once I add these decals... White will be the undisputed champ. Nothing's faster than the 50th Anniversary M1!!! (Except Honda :surrender:)


  • MotoGP Anniversary Stripe.jpg
    MotoGP Anniversary Stripe.jpg
    95.6 KB · Views: 51


New Member
Aj I love the concept!

Ya'll are a buncha punked noobs though. Yellow has and will always be the fastest. Little do you guys know....yamaha put a little drop of cadmium yellow into each one of your paint coatings in order to make you percieve your bike is fast(placebo effect), which in turn makes you feel bigger, better, faster. Which is why I understand and feel for all of you non-cadmium yellow bikes. I understand your pain in which you endure daily looking into the mirror and then suiting up and walking out only to understand your bike is far less superior than the cadmium yellow. For a split second you recap, wishing you had bought the cadmium yellow. You then proceed to picture yourself frolicking through the beautiful valley towards your revving cadmium yellow bike as it takes off at a blinding speed you abruptly awaken from your beautiful daydream to be startled by the off color on the bike. Only us true cadmium yellow owners understand the insane power of our color and bikes. The only bike that can come close in color is the raven, which they used tiger blood in to make it incredibly fast. I suggest you all give up now before I sick thor on your asses

Unlike other metals, cadmium is resistant to corrosion and as a result it is used as a protective layer when deposited on other metals. As a bulk metal, cadmium is insoluble in water and is not flammable; however, in its powdered form it may burn and release toxic fumes

What can your color do? muahahaha
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Active Member
How many times do I have to say it? Yellow bikes being faster is an optical dillusion. The brighter colour is to make them APPEAR to be out in front, while the rider is being mesmerized by the spinning rear tires of the Raven bikes they're following (at a distance).

I think it's time to write me a protest song!
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New Member
Can you like yellow and black????:):thumbup:



waiting out winter
Elite Member
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waiting out winter
Elite Member


New Member
How many times do I have to say it? RAVEN bikes being faster is an optical dillusion. The DARKER colour is to make them APPEAR to be out in front, while the rider is being mesmerized by the spinning rear tires of the CADMIUM YELLOW bikes they're following (at a distance).

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Oh chucker Id have to agree with you :cool:


Super Moderator
Hmmm... I'm split here... Had yellow now have raven. :don'tknow:


New Member
Raven r6>raven fz6r

Cadmium yellow fz6r>raven fz6r

which means

Raven R6 is = to Cadium yellow fz6r

No need to be torn, your on our side of the fence :thumbup:


Super Moderator
Raven r6>raven fz6r

Cadmium yellow fz6r>raven fz6r

which means

Raven R6 is = to Cadium yellow fz6r

No need to be torn, your on our side of the fence :thumbup:

:D:thumbup: Works for me.


New Member
Break it down! Stop, Hammer time!
Can't touch this
Can't touch this
Can't touch this
