Things People Say To You


New Member
What's the funniest/weirdest thing someone has said to you when you're out on your bike?

The very first time I took my bike out was just a quick ride to the local CVS to get a prescription filled. When I parked and took off my helmet, two guys walked over to me and were checking out my bike. Then one of them said, "Wow, that's a nice bike. It looks fast. Do you really ride that thing?"

Last weekend six of us went for a ride. While sitting at a stop light, someone in the car next to my buddy asked him to do a wheelie. When my buddy replied that we're sitting at a stop light, they asked him if he could do a burnout or some tricks before the light turned green. Lol
"He he he hey dude you should ride a handstand all the way home".


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I know, right? I couldn't help but laugh. Even the old lady who stopped to watch the whole thing unfold was cracking up.
in general convo's

"ooo you have a bike what kind

(me) yamaha its a 600cc.

Oooo so you have an R6???

(me) No No not exactly it is another yamaha 600cc it is not a SS

you should have got the R6.

(me) ooo yea why is that

its crazy fast....

(me) you dont say (start walking away for ignorance lol)

This was literally what I was gonna say lol. Apparently everything is a r6 or r1 or gsxr. :jerk:

Let me tell my small story I was ridding my bike in the city when this dude ask me what hell is that pointing on my bike so I told him this is the bike is going to take a ride to your girl. Remember I'm still taking classes to learn how to write and speak english
Went to the grocery late one night,had my bike maybe 3 weeks. Well when i pulled into the pk space i put my stand down on a tar filled expansion joint and it started going down. I managed to keep it from slamming hard but it was down ,so i grabbed it and was struggling to get it back upright. The whole time im doing this, a guy and his girlfriend r staring at me just walking by. I managed to finally get it back upright.:facepalm:About a min.later the guy pulls up next to me and says, "dude u need some help" (pause).... No DUDE im good.
I got a strange one.

Guy at the gas station walks by and say: Hey man, nice bike. Are you selling it?

:confused::confused::confused: why. you wanna buy it?

Guy: No, just asking.

Me: :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
