The Walking Dead TV series on AMC

Mmmmmmm...... Maggie :D:eek:
There are only two shows that I actually watch on TV. Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. I can't get enough of the this show. Wish I didn't have to wait a week for each episode!
I have to wait until this weekend to watch it. My friend is recording it for me... I want to get satellite here but I don't want the bill....
I have to wait until this weekend to watch it. My friend is recording it for me... I want to get satellite here but I don't want the bill....

Doesnt air on Dish. Not sure about Directv.
Ah, I forgot to comment! Watched it last night. Awesome! The guns have changed though in the effects. Its all CGI now. All the semi autos no longer have any slide action at all anymore. No biggie, just something I noticed, being a gun guy.

Either way, awesome episode. Tons of zombie killins. Having read the comics, they are keeping with the main story line but the characters are a bit different in regards to what happens to who and when. Some massively epic crazy stuff happens during the stay at the prison in the comic so I am excited to see how the show plays it out!
Loved it! Lori is annoying as hell anyways. I knew it was coming from reading the comics anyways, but they have been doing things a little different anyways so was not sure.

Tonights episode = CRAP!!! That was a big one with somewhat major losses.. Too bad, I woulda liked to see his story develop a little more.

*Vague post as to not ruin it for those that havent been able to watch yet.

How was it crap? She had to die. Grimmes haven't had any real deaths happen to them. Lori was practically useless to the group.

Tdawg was at least useless, despite hardly ever talking :p
How did it happen in the comics?

SPOILERS! Don't read if have not seen or do not want to know what happens in the comics!


Lorie is shot by one of the Gov's people and the baby died as well (from the shot, or Lorie falling on her) (she was already born at that time).

Here is a walking dead comic wiki if you want to catch up on some of the comics characters and what happens/who they are.

FYI: The comic is still running. They release a new comic every month. We are over 100 now. I have read them all :)

Lori Grimes (Comic Series) - Walking Dead Wiki

And here is the story line that the comic has taken.

Again, do not read if you do not want to know!

The show has followed the main plots of the comic but lots is still different. I am still addicted to watching the show since I do not know exactly what or how things will happen. The comic is insane though. So much darker and hardcore than the show. Definitely get the "books", (released stacks of comics put together).
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I am SOOOO glad Lori bought it...
If she were any more annoying, I'd have killed her myself...
