The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

Is my face supposed to get closer to the ground or just tap my chest to the ground.

The question is:

Is my Push Up form correct?

Push Up's - Just Checking Form Not Doing For Reps - YouTube

Your lower back is a bit arched, try to keep your core stiff (like someone's gonna punch you, if you've ever experienced that lol), and the 45 degree angle of the arms is to save your shoulders - a 90 degree tends to put excess pressure on the front of the shoulder, leading to shoulder strain and tightness, and is a weaker position stability wise. It does hit more pecs than the 45, and if you are not loading them up (either with ridiculous volume or adding weight), they are fine to do.

As long as your doing your bench at 45, that's what matters. Although, a 45 on push-ups will get more triceps, which are more functional and...make excellent aesthetics lol.
Yea I just cant get my triceps defined.... ive improved like crazy on the weight I do on tricep exercises but very little gains

have they increased in size at least? definition comes more from body fat reduction...if you're not finding they are increasing in volume enough for your liking change up reps and sets...more reps and sets at heavier weight (ever hear of German Volume Training?) gets you mass...and protein consumption of course.
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This is tomorrow's(Thursday) WOD: Am I going to survive this WTF! LOL

Look at this!!!!

Warm up
Jump rope 100
20 air squats
20 lunges
20 push ups
20 Russian kbs
20 kb rows/side
20 sit ups
Jump rope 100

Skill: ring dips 4xme
Strength: Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3

200m run
40 lateral jumps over wb(b&f=1)
200m run
40 wall balls 20/14
200m run
40 Russian swings 70/53
200m run
40 box jumps 20"
200m run
40 burpees

For time

Cash out: 100amsu

Mobility: banded hip

If I never post again, know that I had a heart attack trying to do the above wod LOL!

it's a "chipper" - chip away at that sh**. the runs aren't that long, so use those as the "rests" for this workout.
Is there a point at which I can look at the crossfit website, see the WOD for that day, do it as written, but do it by myself thus not having to pay 160.00 a month?

If I did it by myself, would it still be considered crossfit if I did the exact same WOD as the crossfit?

I am asking just to ask..

Yes, it's still crossfit.

There has to be somewhere/book that can give you a bunch of crossfit "style" workout sessions so you can save that 160. has daily WOD's posted, benchmark WOD's, and various other workouts such as those for people with no equipment, limited equipment, etc.

Or, if you like your workouts from the crossfit box you go to, just use their daily WOD's they post on their site and do it at your gym users won't like you but who gives a f***.
