The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

This is what I look like from the front lol.


Impossible for me to gain weight.. =\

You're just not consuming enough calories.
You're just not consuming enough calories.

ehhhhh. I've had people I've known like this. You can tell them to eat until they feel like barfing multiple times a day and they still don't gain like they want to. And I'm not talking salad greens.

Although, if you can find high calorie efficient foods they'll be your best friend. I mean loading everything up with butter/cooking oil, full fat meat (batter it, even better lol)...basically fat is what's gonna help, because it's so calorie dense compared to everything else. Makes you feel satiated without feeling bloated too (unlike carbs...pasta just takes way too much to eat in order for this to be effective, although have high calorie carbs whenever you can too).

And pb and jam sandwiches are a good start. Have them after your workout on top of whatever you usually eat/drink. The varsity boys I train do this, and it helps them out.
ehhhhh. I've had people I've known like this. You can tell them to eat until they feel like barfing multiple times a day and they still don't gain like they want to. And I'm not talking salad greens.

Although, if you can find high calorie efficient foods they'll be your best friend. I mean loading everything up with butter/cooking oil, full fat meat (batter it, even better lol)...basically fat is what's gonna help, because it's so calorie dense compared to everything else. Makes you feel satiated without feeling bloated too (unlike carbs...pasta just takes way too much to eat in order for this to be effective, although have high calorie carbs whenever you can too).

And pb and jam sandwiches are a good start. Have them after your workout on top of whatever you usually eat/drink. The varsity boys I train do this, and it helps them out.

I'm sure if echoplex told us his basic daily diet, we would see he is lacking calories needed to gain weight with his metabolism.

Nothing a couple of 2,000 calorie shakes couldn't fix.
Yeah, I know, my diet needs a lot of work.

So busy throughout the day to be eating food all the time.

Pretty much my diet is:

1.5 protein shakes


1.5 protein Shakes

After classes, get home:
Some chickeny stuff


Then Protein shake after workout and shower and bed.

It sucks wiener, but its the best I can do with my hectic school/work schedule.
Yeah, I know, my diet needs a lot of work.

So busy throughout the day to be eating food all the time.

Pretty much my diet is:

1.5 protein shakes


1.5 protein Shakes

After classes, get home:
Some chickeny stuff


Then Protein shake after workout and shower and bed.

It sucks wiener, but its the best I can do with my hectic school/work schedule.

Buy a tub of pb and keep it in ur gym bag/school bag. With a spoon. Eat it like a chick eatin ice cream after she got dumped by her bf for the first time.
Yeah, I know, my diet needs a lot of work.

So busy throughout the day to be eating food all the time.

Pretty much my diet is:

1.5 protein shakes


1.5 protein Shakes

After classes, get home:
Some chickeny stuff


Then Protein shake after workout and shower and bed.

It sucks wiener, but its the best I can do with my hectic school/work schedule.

Easy start is to make the morning and after workout shakes very calorie sense man.

Protein+oatmeal+pb+ Milk+whatever else you like.

If you can make them both reach 1,000 cals. It should start helping you put on some weight.

Bring bread and pb with you to your classes and make sandwiches in between.

I used to bring a 1lb of chicken, bread, marinara sauce, and pb with me to classes and eat whenever I was hungry then go smash the dinning hall.
Is it bad for me to DEAD LIFT in front of the squat rack blocking it from use?


There is no OPEN area for me to do it other than that!

Ppl should be squatting innnn the squat rack, not behind it. You DL shouldn't be blocking anything. My gym is set up where the Olympic lifting platforms are right behind the squat yeah ppl can DL and squat together. It's possible.
Worst case they have to wait for u to finish ur set before thay enter or leave the rack if ur that close

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

I can hear it now..."but pre-workout's wearing off!!"
Caring is sharing.
The Front Squat is one of those movements very few ever perform in the Gym. This movement, different from the regular squat focuses on core stabilization, Increasing mid-lined strength as well as abdominal development. This movement is technical & due to the large size of my Biceps this movement is someone difficult for me as I am supposed to stick my elbows straight out. I do this movement once every 2 Squat Cycle days. Attached is a video showing a basic warm up set of this movement. As always, performed by me..

Front Squat - 135 LBS - Warm Up Set - YouTube

Looking good!

Try not to grab the bar, use a "clean" open hand style with the bar resting on your upper chest or a bodybuilder cross arm style.

It feels weird the first time doing clean cause just your fingers are touching the bar, but it helps to really kill the core/legs.

Ok, so I am DIGGING full body workouts.

Did my first session last Sunday, took a week off due to busy schedule and then did another session today.

Squat went up 20 lbs (135 -> 155) and bent over rows went up 20 lbs as well (135 -> 155), felt amazing after today.

And heres a picture of my legs lol.


My ankles are actually smaller, I'm wearing dress socks and they are all scrunched up.




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