Taking on a passenger

The day I got my license, I rode the bike with my dad on the back of it. After that, I took about a month as well till I took my girlfriend on the back.
Cant remember exactly, but probably a few months after I got the Fz6r, took my then gf. It was pretty fun
A month after getting my permit.

There are a lot of things to keep in mind with a passenger:
- Stopping distance increases
- Tight maneuvers are not as easy
- Accelerating hard shouldn't be done without some sort of sign between the two of you prior to, otherwise GOOD BYE passenger (we have communicators now, but before that we used a tap on her left leg)
- Brake too hard and with the front wheel at an angle and you'll both probably end up on the pavement.
- Give yourself plenty of space and time for braking.
- Explain to your passenger how sudden movements can affect you
- Explain to them how they should maneuver themselves when you're taking turns (which is simply to look over your shoulder into the direction of the turn)

Regardless of having a passenger or not, you know you shouldnt be braking hard with the front turned at all.
I can't take a passenger at all. I have a seat cowl and rear sets so there is nowhere to sit someone or their feet.
About 5 months. I pick my son up from school sometimes. Had to set preload to 6 cause first time he got on smashed my plate into tire. First couple of times was a little scary but have gotten used to it so he knows what and what not to do. Prob looks funny to some but hey he's my boy.
I have never taken anyone on the back. However, if I needed to I would.
All of the above!

For me, about 4 months.

Something else to take into concideration is, has the upcoming passenger ever been a passenger on a bike, I.e. do they know to lean with you in a corner, not against you. If this is the case, practice with them. Have them sit behind you in a chair and have them practice leaning with you.
Tatty's practicing point is good. Passenger who doesn't know about riding a motorcycle can get both of you in a lot of trouble really fast. If you go into a corner too fast for their nerves and they suddenly try to right the bike back up by leaning to the other direction is very dangerous! Make sure your shifts, stops and take-offs are smooth and second nature before having a passenger. The more comfortable you are with the bike, the less of an impact it is if your passenger does something unexpected.

I have been lucky to only have needed to give my husband a ride every now and again and he is a better rider than me. A bit awkward because he's taller and the center of gravity shifts but not bad because he anticipates what will happen. I still haven't ridden the fz6r with him in the back, but I expect it would be better than on the V-star 650 I had earlier.

He says he doesn't even feel me in the back of his FJR. When he takes his mom out, who rides in the back a lot but doesn't ride a bike herself, it is a big difference. She shifts around a lot and that makes it harder for him to do his job, even if she's way shorter than me and weighs less.

Sorry for the long story. To answer your question - I wouldn't ever take on anybody other than somebody I know can ride, i.e. my husband. And only after I felt I was absolutely comfortable with the bike. So it's not really about a length of time, but amount of skill an knowledge between you and the passenger. Plus if they don't regularly ride, you will have to provide the gear to keep them safe.
I have found that even if a person states that they have ridden as a passenger on a bike that you shouldn't trust them at all...


Be sure to go over the passenger rules and regulations as they are probably blowing smoke up your rear...

As for me, I had a passenger on my first bike within a week or 2 of riding but IDK for me it was different with all the prior stuff I've done.
I tried after about 6 months on my first bike, a 1992 GS500, the older E model. From day one until the day I sold it it was awful taking a passenger. Handling was bad, power was bad, and as soon as I hit the brakes, no matter how softly, the passenger slid forward, down the banana seat into me, pushing me into the tank in a VERY unpleasant manner......

Fast forward to the FZ6R. SO MUCH BETTER IN EVERY WAY! Hardly know someone is back there. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of distance for braking and taking a passenger isn't that bad.

gotta agree with this - the FZ6R does just fine, though the braking and accelerating suffer.

i want to say it was 3-6 months for me, maybe? short ride around a well-known, low-trafficked area.

with my ninja1000 now...it really doesn't care about having the extra passenger on braking or acceleration :D
