Sprocket & Chain Group buy.

I was purchasing a Combo #2 until I saw the $75 shipping charge to Canada.

Us Canadians always get left out of the great deals.
I went with Combo #3 - 16/46 w/Black Chain
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Good morning everyone,
I wanted to take a minute to thank you personally for your participation in this group buy. That was the first one I put together and more than please that so many of you jump in. Hope everyone are happy with there deal and I'm sure Tyler at Solomotoparts.com will be willing to work with us again for another group buy.

Your suggestion are always welcome and if enough member show some interest in something in particular we can put another group buy together.


Thanks again Marthy for helping put this all together.
Hey everybody!

The group buy is now closed. We will be processing all orders today, they should be shipping out within the next 1-2 days. Tracking numbers will be sent via email once they all ship out so you can see when they will be delivered. Most kits are shipped with USPS Priority mail in Medium Flat Rate Boxes. Here is the final list of everybody who participated:


Thanks again to everybody who participated, and if you have any ideas on more group buy items in the future shoot me an email and I can see what we can cook up for all of you :)

Just a quick recap of my race weekend on my R6 at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway, I got taken out by another rider in WARMUP. He tried to pass close on the inside, and low-sided right into my bike. I went to the ER with a ground up foot (on the ball of the foot), came back to the track barely able to walk, got the bike fixed up for Sunday's races and took a 5th in Superstock Middleweight and 2nd in Formula Middleweight. Didn't go as well as I thought, but overall it was fun, it just sucks crashing especially when it's not your fault.

@Derek - I'm sorry about the shipping charges. It is automatically calculated per item weight, and these chain and sprocket kits are pretty heavy. It is exactly the cost we pay with the USPS for shipping to Canada.
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Well, to tell you the truth, I don't mind waiting the 45 days for the rear sprocket only cause my bike only has 3,600 miles on it..... I was only getting it right now cause of the group buy, and the fact that its black. I'm personally more worried about the front sprocket and chain. I'm sure Tyler wants to ship it all together to minimize shipping costs tho. If he wouldn't mind separating them than that would be cool for me. Otherwise I will think of something else.
