So cal Forum Meet up on 1/14 pictures video

haha fair enough on being pissed but I doubt I will win.

no I did not see the AZ thread I forgot that state existed LMFAO

It's AZ man... There vid would be if them going in a straight line.... Not to many canyon rides there... Hahaha... So we doing Sunday the 26th cuz I have to find a way to trick my wife in to letting me go... It takes time for that... Lol... Mulholland that's the hwy in Malibu right.... Going to the rock store... Cuz if so I know of a sweet spot with light traffic and good corners....

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It's AZ man... There vid would be if them going in a straight line.... Not to many canyon rides there... Hahaha... So we doing Sunday the 26th cuz I have to find a way to trick my wife in to letting me go... It takes time for that... Lol... Mulholland that's the hwy in Malibu right.... Going to the rock store... Cuz if so I know of a sweet spot with light traffic and good corners....

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There is the Grand Canyon, but i dont think they let you ride in there LOL
Actually AZ has some really cool riding spots id like to get out there one day.

Im up, Mulholland is the highway in Malibu with the rock store, its kinda my standard ride when i want to go close or have no one to go with lol, But we were talking about meeting half way for JT by lake Castaic.
Ventura I know a sea food place right neXt to the beach.... I would rather have jt drive to us... Lol... That sounds good...

Jt what u think you live the farthest from us....

Come on guys who is going and we need to pick a spot.... So cal gots to beat north Cali and az... With the most and best rides... And I want to work on my vid editing....

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Ventura I know a sea food place right neXt to the beach.... I would rather have jt drive to us... Lol... That sounds good...

Jt what u think you live the farthest from us....

Come on guys who is going and we need to pick a spot.... So cal gots to beat north Cali and az... With the most and best rides... And I want to work on my vid editing....

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lol, i love the enthusiasm. I am in no matter what, castaic, mulholland, even ACH again. And i want Knightmare to work on his vid editing too :)
Nice videos and ride.That scenery is definetly different from what I'm used to seeing.If you guys end up riding to the Pier or other places I might of heard of send me a pm so I don't miss it.

The bikes sounding good JT

Will do....

And I might of enhanced his exhaust a lil.... Lol.... Jk..., he had the loudest pipes there....

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Same here I'm up for anything. I've never done mulholland no worries on the extra miles I have to ride!
Well then lets start up another thread, So cal at it again on 1/26 we can take votes but seems like everyone wants to go towrds mulholland. But JT we are buying lunch for you this time if we have to just give you cash on your way out :)

You and i can always hit castaic anytime since its not very far for either of us.

Nice videos and ride.That scenery is definetly different from what I'm used to seeing.If you guys end up riding to the Pier or other places I might of heard of send me a pm so I don't miss it.

The bikes sounding good JT
Oh great, thats all we need to do is take pictures of our bikes by the beach in tshirts, the rest of the forum is not going to speak to us again :)

Will do....

And I might of enhanced his exhaust a lil.... Lol.... Jk..., he had the loudest pipes there....

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He had the only modified exhaust there didnt he?
will do-

and yea that will be a great pic!! specially this time of year

and yes everyone else had the stock exhaust.

ok ill start another thread later today and pull up some map picts, we are slow today anyway.
I guess we can get him some chow.... But jt ur getting something off the dollar menu.... Lol... Jk....

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All right guys here is part two of my vid let me know what you guys think…

[ame=]ACH 1:11:14 FZ6R FORUM RIDE PART 2 - YouTube[/ame]
That is awesome, love the song, love the editing! Looks like a blast!

Thanks I didn't want it to be like the last vid so I went with something new I'm glad it came out good

Sweet I like it man good stuff bro

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Thanks jt I got some good shots from ur go pro...

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Angeles Crest Gravel

Ok guys i went back to ACH this weekend with my brother. We pulled over to one of the stop areas for a smoke break and at this area was a bunch of the white "gravel" that was worrying a couple guys when we went. So i walked out into the road (with my brother watching to make sure i didnt get run over lol) and did a close up inspection. I thought it was just a few pieces of gravel that were just not enough in any area to cause a problem. I was wrong, ITS NOT GRAVEL AT ALL. Its actually just white colored pieces of the pavement. I assume they just didnt mix up right when they were mixing the pavement or something. I thought maybe it was just the "tar" wearing off and showing the rocks beneath but those white pieces have been visable since they repaved the road back in the summer or fall. Anyway bottom line is you dont need to worry about it. its not loose gravel at all.
Good to know,,.. Maybe they did it to make bikers slow down....

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Good to know,,.. Maybe they did it to make bikers slow down....

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probably some ahole going watch this, lets make some of the rocks white and freak out all the bikers :)
