Smh at this rider

When it's with people I know, staggered with 2 full seconds between me and the dude (or if I'm lucky, dudette), directly in front of me.

When it's a random person, I don't assume anything and give them every bit of room I give a cage.

This ^^

Otherwise, you might be considered a dickbagel...
I use my whole lane when I ride. That way I can evade potholes, gravel, wet metal surfaces, etc. I never share my lane even if I do know the rider, unless we're at a light.

I do agree he should have given you a hand signal though, not a rude reaction. Next time if they give you a wave or nod try to stick around. If they don't acknowledge you then that probably means they don't want to ride together.
We're going about 45 MPH.. and nope I wouldn't have stopped in time.. so how do you all ride in groups then?

I do the same thing in normal street riding, but again only with people I know. I will ride side by side with someone I know REALLY well like my brother and if its on a road I know, no twisties etc. When your canyon riding which is mostly what I do we leave a pretty good gap between each other I would say a couple seconds apart at least.
