Smh at this rider


New Member
So after work I'm riding home. See a Honda Shadow up ahead so I get in his lane and stop to the rear right of him. Usually people give a nod or wave at stops if you're next to them.. Not this guy. Thought nothing of it.. Lane were in merges to the left. So we start going and he turns his blinker on and merges. I turn mine on and try to merge with him. He take up the whole road by going on the center of the lane not giving me enough room to get over. I manage and get behind him again.. When we start to move again takes the middle of the lane like he doesn't want me to "ride" with him. He doesn't wave to any of the bikes passing (even cruisers) and worst of all.. Was dipping and turned his head to spit while riding in front of me. No respect to other riders....:mad:
I was driving home tonight and this dickbagel on his ducati is weaving through traffic. Best of all, no helmet.

Its like, if you are gonna dress like a squid, good for you, but no helmet?!?! That just gets to me.
Dickbagel FTW
Sounds like you were almost sharing his lane though? I don't like what he did, but its your responsibility to ensure you have the space to get where you need to go. Bottom line is, no matter who you're with, it's always your responsibility.
Agreed. He was being a jerk, but you shouldn't be riding so close to him that his lane position is troublesome to you.
I assume you wanted to ride next to him in the same lane like Ponch and Jon lol?. I am surprised you would want to do that with someone you don't know. Too easy to make a mistake and whack into someone. I don't double up in a lane unless Its like my brother or my nephew or someone I ride with all the time. If its someone new ill get to know him and his riding style a few times before we ride next to each other. However I always wave, even to Harley guys that are pissed off they cant keep up and are spending twice as much on their bikes :) That's one of the things I like about riding, my wife thinks its so cool everyone waves and is nice. I feel like if I have a problem or go down or something any other person riding a bike would stop to help me.
Oh no I never ride NEXT to someone.. I normall put a bike length in between us in a staggered formation. Which is what I was going for with this guy but since he didn't want to partake.. I put about 2 bike lengths in between us to be safe.

And yes agreed.. safety is mostly on you.. there are some instances where others are at fault but always be Vigilant!
Oh no I never ride NEXT to someone.. I normall put a bike length in between us in a staggered formation. Which is what I was going for with this guy but since he didn't want to partake.. I put about 2 bike lengths in between us to be safe.

And yes agreed.. safety is mostly on you.. there are some instances where others are at fault but always be Vigilant!

oh, than that is odd. you sure it was a shadow and not just a normal cranky Harley rider? :rolleyes:
Believe it or not, not everyone wants to be friendly with motorcycle riders. They enjoy it for themselves and could care less about any other riders.

yea but im sure they are not friendly period. As I tell my 8 year old if for no other reason its generally more fun in life to be nice and friendly than not.
Sounds like a dickbagel.

I'd say he just didn't want anyone else distracting him or thought you were attempting to squeeze past.

To not give room to a fellow bike rider though, that's dickbagel-ly behaviour to me.
Oh no I never ride NEXT to someone.. I normall put a bike length in between us in a staggered formation. Which is what I was going for with this guy but since he didn't want to partake.. I put about 2 bike lengths in between us to be safe.

I would not be comfortable with someone riding with two bike lengths between us (staggered or not), especially if he was behind me.
We're going about 45 MPH.. and nope I wouldn't have stopped in time.. so how do you all ride in groups then?

When it's with people I know, staggered with 2 full seconds between me and the dude (or if I'm lucky, dudette), directly in front of me.

When it's a random person, I don't assume anything and give them every bit of room I give a cage.
