pulled over today


New Member
so i was riding leisurely along a back road at 50mph. i came across a two cars,SUV in back and Chevrolet 2012 something, traveling under the posted speed limit of 35. on the ground was a double yellow. i being a speed demon decide to go around both cars. keep in mind the suv is blocking my view of the smaller Chevrolet. so i was speeding along going at least 70 now that i had to accelerate to get past the slowpokes. and i hear sirens. weeoooweeeoooo(sirens). i look to the front , the back i see nothing .saying to my self i didn't see any cops . the cop was behind me lol. Bam , the slow poke cop was undercover in an unmarked car(with the only thing to identify him were police lights inside the f$%#$ car, WTF). its ended up being a police veteran since 1986 that i crossed the double f#$% yellow on. end of the story is i got a citation, fine of 90 dollars and the citation was failure to stay right of center lines, with 30 days to pay. and a lesson in how to identify unmarked police officers.

BTW i was very polite to the officer ...i was happy he didn't charge me with speeding and evading a police officer....no harm done
Finally someone that doesn't blame the cop for giving them a ticket when they broke the law. Sucks it happened though, guess that will make you think twice about crossing a double yellow next time *finger wag*
Sorry about the fine, but way to take it like a man! We have unmarked Chargers down here, and they make a lot of stops. Thanks for posting.
Lucky they have to be marked patrol cars here....If one of those unmarked ones tried to pull me over there might be trouble in CA.
Glad you only got the little ticket.
If you ever in a Corrupticut state be prepared, these memos are by the CT state troopers:

•First memo: "In part, it states, 'Starting at 0001 hours through 2359 hours on Friday 03/30/12, we have to issue at least 60 infractions/Misdemeanors each shift for a total of 180 infractions in order to outperform both Troop F and Troop G.' The memo speaks for itself."

•Second memo: "Another commanding officer from Troop D-Danielson issued a similar memorandum ... designating April 5, 2012, as a '24-Hour Traffic Initiative' Day. All personnel would be spending the entire shift 'conducting motor vehicle enforcement,' with an emphasis to be 'highly productive and perhaps we [Troop D] can ultimately be the top dog in the district.'"

Last week, Fox CT obtained an internal mandate to troopers to step up their ticket writing and saying they would be rewarded with pizza by meeting the goal.

Apparently they have nothing better to do than competing among themselves who is a biggest a$$hole.:mad:
I would say lucky for you.... lucky he was nice enough to not bag you... and really look at it this way, he gave you a much needed reminder of how easy it is to be reckless, and for bring you back to reality.

Also very cool you admit your own mistakes.
man, i want to live in America....In Australia they have random unmarked cars like VW Golfs etc and they can definitely do traffic enforcement!! Plus crossing those yellow lines wouldve gotten you a waaaaay bigger fine than $90 and you wouldve lost some demerits...
man, i want to live in America....In Australia they have random unmarked cars like VW Golfs etc and they can definitely do traffic enforcement!! Plus crossing those yellow lines wouldve gotten you a waaaaay bigger fine than $90 and you wouldve lost some demerits...

That officer was obviously being nice, he could have also sited him for speeding 25 over, reckless driving, reckless endangerment, and I'm sure some other stuff as well
so i was riding leisurely along a back road at 50mph. i came across a two cars,SUV in back and Chevrolet 2012 something, traveling under the posted speed limit of 35. on the ground was a double yellow. i being a speed demon decide to go around both cars. keep in mind the suv is blocking my view of the smaller Chevrolet.

Is there a chance that the car that pulled you over was the new caprice ppv? If it was yeah I think I would have pulled over to because that's is wolf in sheeps clothes. Pretty much a Pontiac G8 GXP, that's 6" longer or for yall in OZ a Holden HSV GT
Lucky they have to be marked patrol cars here....If one of those unmarked ones tried to pull me over there might be trouble in CA.
Glad you only got the little ticket.

Any unmarked Law Enforcement vehicle can conduct traffic stops and issue tickets. Trust me ;)
