power commander?


New Member
What gains do you get by installing a power commander on a FZ6R? What does it actually do and how does an auto tuner improve it? I want make sure the $600 price tag is worth it. I plan on installing full aftermarket exhaust, I am just waiting to see what comes out, right now TBR is in the lead, also an aftermarket air filter


What gains do you get by installing a power commander on a FZ6R? What does it actually do and how does an auto tuner improve it? I want make sure the $600 price tag is worth it. I plan on installing full aftermarket exhaust, I am just waiting to see what comes out, right now TBR is in the lead, also an aftermarket air filter

The Dynojet PC lets you set custom maps for the ECU, which improves the performance of your engine. You might see a small but noticeable gain in your HP. Also, not sure about the R but the ECU for the FZ6 is not programmable so if you do install an aftermarket exhaust and an after market air filter, you will need to buy the PC or the Juice Box to change the ECU mapping.


fz6r rider

New Member
I want to know where your buying as PC for $600 I bought mine for $260 WOW


Went to the PC website and there are no downloadable maps yet for the FZ6R. What would the use be for installing this without pre-configured setups yet?


Went to the PC website and there are no downloadable maps yet for the FZ6R. What would the use be for installing this without pre-configured setups yet?

You would have to get the bike dyno-tuned and get a custom map.


New Member
I want to know where your buying as PC for $600 I bought mine for $260 WOW
The auto tuner and the PC V add up to about 600, I rounded off just to make it easy...


New Member
Which power commander will work with our bike? I'm new to this still.

I hear about PCIII PC V etc...

Now when I get my after market exhaust... do I

Put on the new Exhaust then take it to get dyno'd and have them put the PCV on too because they need to plug it in the computer or

Leave everything stock, have them run a dyno, put the new one on and then run again?


New Member
Running the bike stock on the dyno should be first imo. You will want a baseline number to compare to after you do your modifications. I have used devices like the PC on another bike I own. For that bike it was a big improvement. However, that bike had many lean spots and it had other lean condition problems that the fuel nanny fixed. I haven't seen a need to do a PC on the FZ6R as yet. It seems Yamaha got the fuel map right, in stock condition. All bets are off after doing the mods your talking about. I doubt (but have no first hand knowledge) that the stock fuel map will work well after the mods.


New Member
I changed the exhaust on my FZ6R. but I notice 2 things that have changed with my bike because of that.

1. I have to fill up my gas every 4 day now, before I use to fill up ever 7days. my FZ6R is a daily driver I use it to got everywhere.
2. I lost a lot of my engine power. I use to be able to push to about 110mph. now I am my bike struggles to get to 89~95mph

Would anybody be able to tell how to fix?


New Member
Get in touch with Marthy. He makes exhausts for the fz6r. He's a member on the forum. You can also check out his website. Just google Marthy exhaust. He's got packages for an exhaust and a power commander.

My thoughts on filling up every 4 days instead of 7 is direct result of the exhaust mod. What kind of exhaust mod was done ?

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New Member
How big is the exhaust ?

You really have to do the ECU to do the exhaust right. There's no getting around the loss of bottom end unless you have a variable exhaust valve.

You might need to cut the exhaust off and get a smaller pipe.

leprecaun jon

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New Member
I put a tbr black can with 2001 r6 headers. I know I run pretty aggressive in the first few gears. Which map would be best ? I'm going to be using the power commander fuel controller instead of the pc5.?
